My thanks to fellow users -- more sensitive than I, who were quicker to complain to avast about all of the ads that have been bombarding us lately.
It is disturbing that the replies from avast representatives are so disingenuous.
From a senior member, whatever that credential means:
AntiVirusASeT - Sr. Member
> these popups happen rarely (about once every 3 months or longer).
More like once or twice a day. I think my approximation is a little closer to reality than yours, and not so disingenuous.
> i have not seen a free antivirus with no ads...and u should not expect one with[out] ads...
No one said they expect a free antivirus "with[out] ads." Thanks for disingenuously putting words in our mouths. Avast, however, used to have hardly any ads at all. So why shouldn't we expect one with hardly any ads at all when avast themselves demonstrated that we CAN expect it?
> also the popup is un-intrusive
When your users say that your ads are intrusive, you're just being argumentative with them when you say "no they're not." The "Big Lie" works better with the uneducated, but that's not the cross section you'll find trying to maintain their computers and logging onto your forum.
The number of ads popping up has increased precipitously as of a few weeks ago. That's why you're being called on it lately, and making believe that your new advertising policies aren't part of the problem demonstrates your selfish, defensive posture and unwillingness to listen.
You can generalize that your competitions' software is a "downgrade," but I'll read some objective reviews and switch to someone else's product -- confident that "different" is NOT a downgrade, after which I'll append my own comments about how, "... avast! was great for a couple of years, but now they pester us with pop-up ads, and get arrogant and call the users ungrateful when we complain about it..."
I would recommend that avast hire a public relations firm and LISTEN to their recommendations. The computer programming entrepreneur behind the keyboard should NOT be allowed to talk to the customers. You drive me away from using your software even more than the pop-up ads.