@ oggolooggo
there's a giant pop-up in the corner once per day or so, offering me to buy their products.
That's a total exaggeration of what actually happens.
The occasional request to try either IS or the pro version isn't any big deal. After all, you're receiving top notch protection
free of charge.
If it's that annoying, you can always downgrade your protection by changing to one of the other free AV programs.
I know that sounds a little harsh but it always rubs me the wrong way when ever someone moans about an occasional popup.
Simply close it and continue if you're not interested.
You can't tell others what is a big deal for them. It was not an "occasional" request. It was daily.
If people don't let Avast know how they feel about their product, then Avast cannot improve it. That includes, letting them know, when something is annoying about it.
Workarounds are not solutions. That the product is free, has no relevance. It's an annoying issue, and if Avast want users to use their free product, and of course they do, otherwise they wouldn't offer it, then they gotta satisfy the users.
I'm bringing this up again, because now it's windows 8, that they are advertising. 2 such ads withing the last hour.