Author Topic: avastgui seems hung trying to process /E3/lost+found  (Read 3853 times)

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avastgui seems hung trying to process /E3/lost+found
« on: May 04, 2012, 10:39:15 PM »
I downloaded  avast4workstation-1.3.0-1.i586.rpm  and installed from it.

Started avastgui and it seemed to be running fine.  Came back later and it appeared to be hung trying to process /E3/lost+found.  /E3 has an nfs mount.

Checked again still later. Same old same old.

I can access the folder:

RecArea:~ # ls /E3
HS_DELL.tar  SS_DEL.tar  SS_DEL_Desktop.tar  USB11.2.tar  lost+found
RecArea:~ #

Some info about my environment:

RecArea:~ # uname -a
Linux RecArea 3.1.10-1.9-default #1 SMP Thu Apr 5 18:48:38 UTC 2012 (4a97ec8) i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
RecArea:~ # more /etc/*release*
openSUSE 12.1 (i586)
VERSION = 12.1
CODENAME = Asparagus

*** /etc/lsb-release.d: directory ***

VERSION="12.1 (Asparagus)"
PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE 12.1 (Asparagus) (i586)"

/E3 is a ext 4 partition on a 2 TB USB drive on an old gateway PC.  It is a backup / archive area.
That system is also running openSUSE 12.1 (with an NFS server )

Appreciate your help in advance.

Regards,  Hal Stout