Author Topic: Tutorial : Not connected with any avast! account.  (Read 8096 times)

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Tutorial : Not connected with any avast! account.
« on: May 06, 2012, 10:38:28 AM »
There still seems to be a lot of confusion over the new feature My.Avast Account.

The account at My Avast is a totally new feature and requires you to REGISTER for an account.

This system cannot and will not recognize any account or details you may already have with Avast until you complete registration.

Once registered and your account is set up you can associate any/all machines you have licences for.

It should be stated that not everyone will want,need or find this account useful and it is NOT a required feature to keep your systems protected, it is however a VERY usefull tool.

How do you set up the  My Avast! Account ?

There are several ways to access and set this up, first you can simply go to and complete the process there,
or you can access from two areas of your Avast GUI.

In the SUMMARY TAB to the right you will find "CONNECT"  click here and proceed filling the required details

You can also find the same system within GUI >> SETTINGS > ACCOUNT  again here you click on "Connect now" and follow the process through, it is a good idea to change the
Update frequency to 60 minutes here.

This is the next pop up you will see, enter an email address  ( does not have to be the one already used for Avast! but you MUST have access to it) and create a new password.

Once completed you should see this pop up . Click on "Go to avast" Account"

Here you see the Log In screen

You may need to verify your email address via a link sent to your inbox, proceed with that and then you will be able to access your account.

This is the Welcome Screen, the tabs to access your account and the settings you can use are here.

This is the page for connected devices, note the edit button where you can edit/input machine names etc to simplify identification.