thanks for the replies
the potentially unwanted program PUP warning was from the skin downloaded by myself manually. If avast is simply not sure of what to make of the file, and its up for me to decide whether to take the risk, I may ignore it as it came from a fairly reputable site, the skin being up for a fair while without any user warnings. I have ran the skin on the media player, and it worked 100%, there didnt seem to be any issues within windows. PUP sounds like a more in depth scan. As you mention, its switched off by default within windows. It sounds like if it wasnt, there could be many worried users with clean machines out there with all these potential multiple PUP warnings popping up? I will dismiss it...... unless its not just a rough guess (a false PUP, lol).. and there is a definate clear reason as to why it was labelled a PUP in the first place. Are there any tools I can use to find out, or is it all within avast?
The malware warning was for the equivalent of a floppy format file (.fdi?) for an old non windows system, on an emulation cd. Im assuming it may be a false positive malware warning. I will dismiss it, but leave it in the chest or simply delete, as its not in english and of no use to me. Do you think the fact its a floppy format equivalent for an old computer might increase the likelyhood of avast giving me a warning-with avast possibly believing its questionable windows software?
ps- the PUP warning was only for the skins 'dll' inside the rar, it didnt state any other particular location (eg installed within windows or its registry), despite having used the skin once before. The skin doesnt install, only needs to be extracted to use, into the right directory in the media player. I dont know if thats of any use to determine whether its anything to be concerned about or not. It would seem that by simply deleting the dll might just remove the warning on the bootscan, although Ill have to test that out to know if its a definate of not, to know if nothing was written to windows or the registry etc. thanks