I have added the exclusion to settings\exclusions and also additional protection\settings\exclusions, but auto sandbox is turned off anyway.
But this does not work it still gives the alert.
Also why when the virus alert comes up, and I set it to first ASK me what to do, it only gives me Delete Block and Move to Chest?
But ive changed these settings to ask, move, delete, do nothing.
I have now a file stuck on my desktop, its not in the chest because I deleted it, and when I try to delete it says its being used.Which is Avast using it by blocking it.
Why is there not an option for not scanning for potentially unwanted and suspicious programs?
This is really wasting huge amounts of my time simply trying to use a file I know what it does but avast thinks its not wanted by me.
How on earth do I get the file unstuck from my desktop?(Its ok seems to have unstuck itself when I installed another prog and its icon replaced it?)
Avast 7.0.1426 Win7 X64