Author Topic: XP Network: "Not enough server storage" - Could Avast be the reason?  (Read 7556 times)

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I’m having a problem with my home network that I’m having difficulty solving and wondering if anybody can help. I have a number of PC’s connected by Ethernet and wirelessly. They used to be able to see each other and share files, but no longer. Some of the PC’s can share files but not others. I usually get the error message:

“[PC/Folder name] is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator….  Not enough server storage is available to process this command”

All PCs are running Windows XP SP2.

When I googled the above message I found a number of people who had a similar problem when they had Norton Antivirus installed. It was suggested that the registry be edited to change an IRPStackSize parameter.

I don’t have Norton AV installed, but used to have Norton 360 installed (and my network mostly worked OK). However within the past few days I have uninstalled Norton 360 from all my PC’s and replaced it with the Comodo Pro firewall and Avast antivirus. All of my PC’s are on the same network and I have explicitly also created a new network within Comodo covering all my IP addresses and placed it in the “trusted” zone to enable full sharing.

I tried altering the IRPStackSize parameter (it didn’t exist on any of my PC’s so I created it and tried different values between 12 and 45) but it made no difference. I have also rerun the Windows Create Network wizard on all PCs and checked that the windows firewall is turned off. I also tried disabling Comodo and Avast – but none of these has made any difference. I also tried stopping and restarting the “Server” services in the Administrative Tools section of windows XP.

So, none of the above have made any difference. Can anybody suggest what else I could try? Could Avast be causing the problem?

Many thanks in advance for your help.


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Re: XP Network: "Not enough server storage" - Could Avast be the reason?
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2008, 08:53:10 PM »
Is there some Event Id in Event Viewer corresponding to this error message?

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Re: XP Network: "Not enough server storage" - Could Avast be the reason?
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2008, 09:29:43 PM »
Just a comment on the IRPStackSize ... it is necessary (I and others have found) to restart the system after creating/changing it to be effective. The change needs to be made on the system that is being connected to, not on the system that is trying to make the connection.

As psw has asked there should be an event id that reports the same error message of "not enough storage).


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Re: XP Network: "Not enough server storage" - Could Avast be the reason?
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2008, 04:42:02 PM »
Finally I have managed to resolve the problem. It was, after all, an IRPStackSize issue.

I checked the event viewer and it showed on some of the PC’s that there was an error 2011 indicating that the IRPStackSize was too small. It was then that I realised that the problem was not on the PC that was giving me the “not enough server storage capacity” error but on the PC that I was trying to access (the one that only showed the error in the Event Viewer).

I worked with 2 PC’s initially and set the IRPStackSize to 45 on both, rebooted, and checked if I could access the other PC’s files. It worked and I gradually reduced the IRPStackSize down to 20. I added the parameter to my other PC’s as well, and I can now get access to all of the shared files on all of my PC’s.

Many thanks to everybody who responded for their help.


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Re: XP Network: "Not enough server storage" - Could Avast be the reason?
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2008, 12:54:48 PM »
Find the solution here.    :)
Thanks... and the exact way to change the IRPStackSize:

The following instructions will allow you to safely change the IRPStackSize value. But please always use caution when you are changing values in your registry, as a wrong entry can cause serious problems with the functionality of your computer. If you are not confortable in making these changes, request the services of a computer professional to assist you.

NOTE: Back up your registries first!!!
- Start -> Run
- Type in "regedit" (without the quotation marks)
- Navigate to the following path by single left mouse clicking as you go:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Services\lanmanserver\parameters
- Double-left mouse click on IRPStackSize
- In the event the IRPStackSize registry setting doesn't exist, create it by single left mouse clicking on "Edit" in the menu bar and then single left mouse click on "New" followed by a single left mouse click on "DWORD Value". The new value will then appear, name the value "IRPStackSize" (without quotation marks) and double left mouse click on the icon.
- Set the decimal under Base to 11 for NT and 2000, and 15 for XP - (Note: I have set my Windows XP to 12 and it works fine. However, when setting the decimal under Base, you may want to increase it by three with-in the range (example: 11 to 14 and so on ,up to 15 for NT and 2000 - 12 to 15 up to 20 for XP) Try the defaults first and if you are still getting the error, try moving up the range until you no longer get the error.
- Close the Registry Editor and Reboot the computer after each edit.


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Re: XP Network: "Not enough server storage" - Could Avast be the reason?
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2012, 08:41:09 AM »
I'm sorry, but I tried the instructions listed, restarted, and keep having the same problem recur. It works for a while, but then suddenly the client computer gives this error when trying to access the networked drive. I see the same IRPSTACKSIZE fix on countless helpboards and knowledgebases online, however creating the value in my registry and increasing it to 50 has not worked.