Author Topic: Avast IS 2014.9.0.2008 - Firewall blocking printer and USB devices  (Read 3016 times)

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Win 7 64 Ultimate.

2 problems now occurring since this update.

1) I have a Belkin ethernet-cabled router attached to my PC. This runs Connect.exe, the program for the Belkin USB Print and Storage Center. I use the USB port on the Router to connect to an Epson inkjet printer. This previously worked fine, but now the Firewall blocks the connection.  If I turn OFF the Avast firewall, I can then then get my printer online and use it via the Belkin router USB connection.

If I leave the Firewall ON, but connect the printer cable to another (non-router) USB port on the PC itself, I can use the printer. In summary, the Firewall doesnt like the printer when connected via Router USB port.

2) I have a 4G Retina iPad which previously I could connect via the Apple cable plugged into a USB port on the PC, and then calling iTUNES. In the same manner as the printer, Avast Firewall will not let me access the iPad without that I turn off the Firewall.

In both cases, Windows sees my Ipad and printer quite correctly, and there are no problems with iOS. It just comes down to Avast Firewall blocking access.

I'd be grateful if anyone who has had this experience could offer any suggestions as to how to fix these problems.

I attach screenshots of what I think are the most significant settings, although I can't spot any problems straight off.
