Author Topic: Error after update: Failed to load language DLL [1033\UILangRes.dll]  (Read 28537 times)

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Re: Error after update: Failed to load language DLL [1033\UILangRes.dll]
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2015, 02:33:39 PM »
Hello everybody,

I have aleready posted about this bug

this message indicate that avast can't  found english dll when starting avast ui

to correct that the simplest solution is:

1) go to configuaration panel
2) list installed programs
3) right clic on avast and choose modify
4) check english language
5) clic continue, now english language is installed
6) find avastui.exe start it or reboot if you are not sure

now avastui can start
in few case avast now speak in english to correct that

1) open avast ui interface (clic icone in task bar)
2) clic settings
3) in general area language you have two choice  english or your language , select it that's all

Best regards