Author Topic: Need Avast! CyberCapture to whitelist these code signing certificates  (Read 3723 times)

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Good day,

This is Joel from the SplitmediaLabs development team, we are the developers for XSplit Broadcaster and XSplit Gamecaster. We have been trying to reach out to Avast! in order to whitelist our new certificates but so far we have not reached a good channel to do it in a fairly quick manner.

We have already submitted our files in your Whitelisting Program Form (, we have also submitted files in the False Positives form, and your Business Support contact us page last week. We have gotten some "generic" replies as support just points us back to the whitelist program form.

I'm hoping that this channel will give us better results, files linked below are signed with our two new code signing certificates:

We're hoping that both of the certificates used to sign these files will be whitelisted. I supposed Avast! is whitelisting based on certificates and not file names as both of these files/versions will be invalidated later on and are not meant for production usage, links were only provided as a quick way to download and see digital signature information.

Should Avast! need more/other information, we will be happy to provide it as soon as possible
« Last Edit: July 09, 2018, 10:35:14 AM by joju »

Offline Milos

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do you have a ticket ID? Post it here and we will check.



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We only got a reply on the Avast for Business support form, this is the current email thread that we're working with, I supposed the number is the ticket ID?

#06813580 - Urgent Support Needed

We did not get any email when we submitted on the whitelist program form and the other contact us forms

We have just released our first XSplit Broadcaster version 3.4 PTR version (, the installer is signed with the (Certificate 1) mentioned on my first post. We're hoping to get this version out to the main channel by this week so more people will surely use it.

It would be great if we can have the two new certificates whitelisted by then. This is a very important matter so if you need anything from us just reply here and we will also revert ASAP, you can also email us directly at for even faster response.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2018, 02:34:28 PM by joju »


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@Milos, did you see the support ticket? or even the files that we submitted in the whitelist program pages?

We already resubmitted today to both Avast! and AVG pages but no confirmation email whatsoever. I can provide you email address I specified when I submitted the whitelist application via PM if necessary.

This is extremely urgent for us and it will be highly appreciated that we get this issue resolved.

Offline Milos

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yes. From what I saw the certificates are whitelisted.



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Ok thanks a lot, we are building a new version with the same cert as of now to confirm. We'll revert as soon as possible

Additional questions:
1. When cert is whitelisted, it means that no scans will be visible right? As this is what happens on our older version using the older cert?
2. As we see it CyberCapture seems to "cache" test results as when a file is marked as "possibly dangerous" then it seems to stay that way even when re-downloaded, is there a way to remove this "cache" mechanism? or remembered test result?

Offline Milos

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ad 1. Files will be scanned, but it will not go to Cybercapture, so it will not be visible from the user perspective.
ad 2. Yes, CyberCapture cache will expire after few hours.



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Hello Milos,

Really appreciate the help, so far so good on the machines we've tested on. Both for Avast and AVG.

Good thing these certificates are valid for 3 years.

Moving forward, what's the best channel to submit the whitelisting application? We previously used the whitelisting program page and business support page. Though there isn't any confirmation from the whitelisting page if file has been received or not or if it's undergoing verification.

This forum thread seems to be the best one in terms of responsiveness, Kudos! Other channel just seems to be generic endpoint but no real action or at least no personal reply.

Offline Milos

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we prefer the way because it should go to the right people directly. But if there is no response then use this forum so we can look if it was lost somewhere or responsible people are on holidays, etc. ;-)
