Author Topic: Prevent/remove local client custom HD scan using custom ini file in AEA?  (Read 3399 times)

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Long story short - I need to prevent a large number of our PCs running a daily quick scan and a weekly full scan. There is no scan set-up in AEA, but since the clients upgraded themselves from Avast BP to EPS and I upgraded the console from BP to AEA the local clients still remember these old scan settings, even after a roll-out of EPS from AEA.


Client EPS=7.0.1455

Is there a setting I can add to the Custom Ini setting in AEA/Computer Group that will disable any local HD scan settings?

I've noticed that in the local clients' avast5.ini file, under each scan ID there is something like;


If I disable the scan via the clients GUI it changes to 0.

Each scan has its own ID within the [], do I need to enter the heading so the update to the client avast5.ini file changes the correct part? Or is there one command that will hopefully disable all custom scan settings?

Many thanks.


  • Guest

Just checked on two PCs and the scan settings use the same ID code in avast5.ini, so we have;


For one of the local HD scans.

Great I thought, I'd add this into the Custom ini settings in AEA and set;

SchedulerEnabled=0  (In my original post I had misquoted this as ScheduleScan)

So we have;
SchedulerEnabled=0 the custom ini section in AEA. I also had something else to change under [Common] so added that in as well.

Result? On the client the avast5.ini file has changed to reflect the change I made under [Common], but the SchedulerEnabled=1 has not changed to SchedulerEnabled=0

Any ideas?

Thanks again


  • Guest

On the handful of PCs I am working on at the moment it has taken up to an hour for the SchedulerEnabled=0
part to update on both the local scans set up on the clients.

I will update again if I notice anything different to the above as I continue to role out EPS from AEA.


  • Guest
sounds like a bug to me that a setting that is not active anymore in the console keeps registered on the clients.

what happens if you redeploy the new client over the machine(s)? (test with one of course)

basically you went from one managed technique to another managed technique with different possibilities in settings, so the best thing would be a fresh install ;)


  • Guest
Thanks for the reply

IIRC, when I upgraded our clients from Avast Pro to BP and installed the BP Admin console there was a default scan setting of a daily quick scan and a weekly full scan. I disabled these on our slowest PCs as the end users could not use them well enough whilst the scans were taking place. In the end enough users complained that their PCs slowed down that I then disabled all scans.

When I installed BP on the clients it said there was a program upgrade (I think from to but if I asked it to update it said there wasn't. Looking on here it said this was a bug in the program and not to worry about it. Then after a couple of months I started to notice that the clients were updating themselves, and showing that they were not BP anymore but EPS. Before I had a chance to realise what was happening all our clients were running EPS and the BP Admin console now had no control over them. Not only that but the EPS had activated these dormant scan settings. So I was not able to disable the scans anymore.

I uninstalled BP admin console and installed AEA hoping that all the EPS clients would see the AEA and the other way round, but they did not. I rolled out EPS from the new AEA console and this appeared to over write the existing client EPS so the AEA could see it. The unwanted scan settings remained.

If I uninstall EPS and delete all the left over folders in Program files and Program Data (Win 7) and then install EPS from AEA then the previous scan settings are removed and not carried over.

The custom ini fix I reported earlier does not appear to work on all clients. Some have the quick scan schedule disabled, others have the weekly scan disable, or the other way round after EPS is installed from AEA over the EPS that is already installed (maybe I am not waiting long enough for the settings to take effect). So I am now rolling out EPS and manually disabling what the custom ini won't do just in case it doesn't remove the scheduled scan for some reason . This is way more work than I had hoped I had to do, especially after everything was running along nicely with BP. It takes longer to uninstall EPS than to over write it and change the settings manually so I am sticking with doing it that way at the moment.