Author Topic: AVAST Internet Security 8 has just updated and crashed my computer again!  (Read 1570 times)

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My AVAST has just informed me that it has updated and added More details. I thought 'oh good, it will tell us when AVAST is fixing the huge problem many of us are having with scanning our computers, but, no, it was a great big glossy page telling us the dangers of hacking and inadequate passwords! Also, with the update, I thought maybe the problem was now fixed so tried a Quick scan and it stopped at 720 on an SVC file with three question marks at the end of it and crashed my computer again! AVAST this really isn't good enough. We deserve to be told what you are doing to fix this, and when. And your support is not responding to our requests for help either. When are you going to tell us what you're going to do to fix this seriously bad problem?