Author Topic: Anyone make a working MSI?  (Read 3182 times)

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Anyone make a working MSI?
« on: May 07, 2013, 07:25:24 PM »
Hello all,

We are a descent size school district and trying Avast for the first time. I have all ready seen that the console makes an exe file but not an msi installer. Well we have about 20 + locations spread out over 60 miles with a 1.5MB pipe. Right now we are only running one server to try an see if we can get away with it. Seems to be working ok.

Problem is we can't push the installer from the console. We normally like to install through GPO. I know I can remotely or manually install the exe but I have been working on trying to make an msi file for it. Also know there are other programs to push the exe, which I might be looking into soon.

I have run into many problems making the msi so far with no luck.

So my question is has anyone made a working msi that has all the info needed and it actually installs and works right. I am open for any ideals or help.

If so can you please tell me how or what you used  to get me pointed in the right direction.
