Author Topic: General pre-scan as system restarts  (Read 5975 times)

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General pre-scan as system restarts
« on: September 20, 2003, 11:34:29 AM »
Hello, when I first ran avast4 home edition on my PC it detected several viruses and I opted to delete the malicious files, but it also asked me if I would like to perform some sort of full system scan upon reboot and I said yes. When I restarted, it performed a systemscan of all files and found a futher 6 worms and viruses etc and gave me options to either delete, ignore, repair or move each one. Does anyone one know how to re-initiate this full scan? There are no options for it to do that process again as I found that pre-boot scan as extremely useful and I would like to run it now and then, not just when you use the program for the first time?
Thanks in advance.


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Re:General pre-scan as system restarts
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2003, 03:37:08 PM »
Just press right mouse button in the simple interface somewere on a free spot (standard when using Home edition)

And launch (shedule) the boot scan from the menu that opens.



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Re:General pre-scan as system restarts
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2003, 04:39:50 PM »

Waldo is correct, but I wish to elaborate a bit.
The initial scan is of the Boot sector and memory.
 A full scan would be of the entire drive or drives you select.
You can have Avast run a memory scan each startup by loading the main interface (as Waldo has mentioned) and then right click anywhere on the Avast panel (or use the menu button in the upper left hand corner) to open up the settings screen.  If you select (click) Settings, the screen that opens will allow you to check whether you want the Test to run at startup or not.

A full scan is just as easy.....load the main screen, select the drive or drives you want Avast to check, select any other removable drives such as external floppies or cd drives, and you can even select certain files......All from the rectangular main interface.
Start Avast and let it do its thing.

Great program.  You will love it.

Good luck.


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Re:General pre-scan as system restarts
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2003, 04:45:43 PM »
I can`t delete,move,repair or send the virusfiles on my computer??????????? I can`t do anything ????? What to do?????


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Re:General pre-scan as system restarts
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2003, 04:50:41 PM »

Recommend that you start a new thread on your  subject since it may require more posts.  I will look for it and jump in on it then.
