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Re: Tests and other Media topics
« Reply #1140 on: July 21, 2024, 05:54:11 PM »
To properly evaluate this minified code, it had to be unminified.

The unminified code provides more insight into the functionality of the script.
Here's a breakdown of the security concerns and recommendations: :

Security Concerns:

Insecure cookie handling: The setCookie function sets cookies using a document. cookie,
which can lead to insecure cookie handling if not properly sanitised.

Lack of secure protocol: The script sets cookies using the http protocol,
which can lead to insecure data transmission.

Insufficient input validation: The script does not properly validate user input.
which can lead to potential vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

Unvalidated data storage: The script stores data in local storage using localStorage.setItem,
which can lead to insecure data storage if not properly sanitised.


Use a secure protocol: Ensure that the script sets cookies using the https protocol to prevent insecure data transmission.
Implement proper input validation. Validate user input before processing it to prevent potential vulnerabilities, such as XSS attacks.
Sanitise data storage: Ensure that data stored in local storage is properly sanitised to prevent insecure data storage.
Use a reputable library or framework: Consider using a reputable library or framework for managing cookies and consent management to ensure proper security measures are in place.
Additionally, the code has some minor issues:

Unused variables: The undefined variable is declared but not used anywhere in the code.
Inconsistent naming conventions: The code uses both camelCase and underscore notation for variable and function names, which can make it harder to read and maintain.
Long lines of code: Some lines of code are quite long and could be broken up for better readability.
Overall, the code appears to be well-structured and well-organised, but it would benefit from addressing the security concerns and minor issues mentioned above.

polonus (aided by Deepai).
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Re: Tests and other Media topics
« Reply #1141 on: July 22, 2024, 02:08:59 PM »
Security issues for DDG with handlebars and jQuery: (found through Retire.JS)

It looks like the DuckDuckGo search results for "handlebars" returned some vulnerability information.
Here's a breakdown of the findings:

High-severity vulnerabilities:

Prototype pollution vulnerability in Handlebars (multiple versions): CVE-2015-8861, GHSA-9prh-257w-9277
High-risk vulnerability in Handlebars (multiple versions): CVE-2019-19919, GHSA-w457-6q6x-cgp9
Prototype pollution vulnerability in Handlebars (multiple versions) - GHSA-g9r4-xpmj-mj65
Arbitrary Code Execution vulnerability in Handlebars (versions prior to 3.0.8 and 4.5.3) CVE-2019-20920, GHSA-3cqr-58rm-57f8
Prototype pollution vulnerability in Handlebars (versions prior to 3.0.8 or 4.5.2) - GHSA-q2c6-c6pm-g3gh
Recommendation: Upgrade to version 3.0.8, 4.5.2 or later.

Other vulnerabilities:

Medium-severity vulnerability in Denial of Service (DoS) (GHSA-2cf5-4w76-r9qv)
Prototype Pollution vulnerability in Handlebars (CVE-2021-23383, GHSA-765h-qjxv-5f44)
Remote code execution vulnerability in Handlebars when compiling templates: CVE-2021-23369, GHSA-f2jv-r9rf-7988
jQuery vulnerabilities:

Medium-severity vulnerability related to 3rd-party CORS request: CVE-2015-9251, GHSA-rmxg-73gg-4p98
Medium-severity vulnerability related to parseHTML() executing scripts in event handlers - GHSA-rmxg-73gg-4p98
Medium-severity vulnerability related to object prototype pollution in jQuery (CVE-2019-11358, GHSA-6c3j-c64m-qhgq)
Medium-severity vulnerability related to Regex in jQuery.htmlPrefilter potentially introduces XSS (CVE-2020-11022, GHSA-gxr4-xjj5-5px2).
Medium-severity vulnerability related to passing HTML containing <option> elements from untrusted sources to jQuery's DOM manipulation methods: CVE-2020-11023, GHSA-jpcq-cgw6-v4j6
Note: jQuery versions 1.x and 2.x are End-of-Life and no longer receiving security updates.

It's essential to review the severity and impact of these vulnerabilities
and take necessary steps to upgrade Handlebars and jQuery to the latest versions
that address these issues.

« Last Edit: July 22, 2024, 02:10:34 PM by polonus »
Cybersecurity is more of an attitude than anything else. Avast Evangelists.

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Re: Tests and other Media topics
« Reply #1142 on: July 23, 2024, 02:03:43 PM »
Interesting resources:  see also:

The CVEDB API is a fantastic resource for vulnerability research and security enthusiasts. It provides a vast database of CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) and allows developers to easily integrate this information into their applications.

The Shodan dashboard is also an excellent tool for reconnaissance and reconnaissance-related activities. It's a search engine for internet-connected devices, allowing users to search for devices by IP address, port, or other criteria. This can be useful for identifying potential vulnerabilities and conducting penetration testing.

The combination of CVEDB and Shodan is a powerful toolset for anyone interested in vulnerability research, threat hunting, or security testing.

The PyPi package you mentioned (cvedb) provides a Python interface to the CVEDB API, making it easy to integrate CVEDB data into your own applications.

Cybersecurity is more of an attitude than anything else. Avast Evangelists.

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Offline polonus

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Re: Tests and other Media topics
« Reply #1143 on: July 29, 2024, 10:15:35 AM »
Check a website for cloaking:
The website is not available at the moment; Cloudflare does not show it.

Cloaking is presenting something else (code) to Googlebot and to Google.

Google does not like this, and cloakers can meet with the consequences when found out.

Cybersecurity is more of an attitude than anything else. Avast Evangelists.

Use NoScript, a limited user account and a virtual machine and be safe(r)!

Offline polonus

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Re: Tests and other Media topics
« Reply #1144 on: July 29, 2024, 05:47:16 PM »
Additional security measures to take for a WordPress site.

Additional Security Measures
While disabling directory listing and user enumeration are important steps,
there are a few additional security measures you can consider to further protect your WordPress site:

Restrict access to wp-admin:

Consider IP whitelisting for the admin area so that only specific IP addresses have access.
Use strong passwords.

Ensure that both users and administrators use strong, unique passwords.
Implement Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):

This adds an extra layer of security to logging in.
Security plugins:

Install and configure security plugins such as Wordfence or Sucuri
that provide proactive security, including firewall protection and malware scanning.
Regular Backups:

Ensure that your website is backed up regularly.
This can allow you to quickly restore your site after a security incident.

Continue to monitor server logs and site activity to quickly identify suspicious activity.
Send feedback

polonus (A.I.-assisted) (Quilbot spell- and grammar-checked)
Cybersecurity is more of an attitude than anything else. Avast Evangelists.

Use NoScript, a limited user account and a virtual machine and be safe(r)!

Offline polonus

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Re: Tests and other Media topics
« Reply #1145 on: September 08, 2024, 11:41:21 AM »
Using the QuillBot spell- and grammar-checker extension with an AI-bot-service of sorts, like DeepAI, for instance
to achieve better protection for PII data and also against personal profiling and against fingerprinting (in combination with
fingerprinting blocking extensions, etc.).

QuillBot now has next to American and UK English, Canadian English, and Australian English, as well as German. Spanish and French.
Translating more languages:

Cybersecurity is more of an attitude than anything else. Avast Evangelists.

Use NoScript, a limited user account and a virtual machine and be safe(r)!

Offline polonus

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Re: Tests and other Media topics
« Reply #1146 on: September 09, 2024, 01:00:35 AM »
Camera vulnerabilities and IP security (see:
combined with this Shodan information:

Brought us to these conclusions: The information you provided regarding IP address indicates that it has been reported multiple times for abusive activities, particularly related to network scanning and unauthorised connection attempts on various ports, including Telnet (TCP port 23).

Possible Connection to Dahua TI810X|0
Network Security Context:

If Dahua TI810X|0 is a network device, such as an IP camera, it could have been targeted by the reported IP address ( for unauthorised access attempts. Devices like Dahua cameras are often connected to the internet and could be vulnerable if not properly secured.
Vulnerability and Threats:

Networked devices, including surveillance cameras, can be exploited if they have weak security measures (e.g., default passwords, outdated firmware). Attackers scan IP addresses to find vulnerable devices. The reports you mentioned suggest ongoing port scanning activities, which could very well include attempts to access network devices like the Dahua TI810X|0.
Security Recommendations:

If the Dahua TI810X|0 or any similar device is in use, it is crucial to implement security measures such as:
Changing default login credentials.
Regularly updating firmware to the latest version.
Utilising firewalls and network security protocols to limit access.
Monitoring network traffic for unauthorised activities.
In essence, while there may not be a direct correlation between the Dahua TI810X|0 and the abusive activities reported for IP, the security of such devices is critical in preventing them from being exploited through the vulnerabilities highlighted in the IP abuse reports. Always ensure that security devices are protected from unauthorised access, especially those exposed to the internet.

polonus (AI-enhanced analyst)
Cybersecurity is more of an attitude than anything else. Avast Evangelists.

Use NoScript, a limited user account and a virtual machine and be safe(r)!

Offline polonus

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Re: Tests and other Media topics
« Reply #1147 on: Today at 05:51:01 PM »

Is today's AI similar to the once-golem of Prague?
Both were created by human intellect.
Both are performing tasks beyond the capabilities of ordinary men.

But both also pose the potential possibility of great danger.

Deepai bot helped me create a script to check on inline scripts on websites
for vulnerabilities and security issues.
I added this script (based on Retire.JS) to my Tampermonkey extension,
and immediately a detected frame, etc., popped up to be checked upon.

So whenever AI is a sort of golem in a modern digital sense,.
Does A.I. then pose the same danger as the golem did in the story?

The Prague Golem had one major flaw.
It continued to grow until it became dangerous.

And the Maharal had to take the aleph from the golem's forehead.
so it was left with the word מת (death) in stead of אמת (divine truth)
and the golem again became dust like the Vistula clay it was shaped from.

Cybersecurity is more of an attitude than anything else. Avast Evangelists.

Use NoScript, a limited user account and a virtual machine and be safe(r)!