Author Topic: NEW Program Update Release for SOA and AEA. Now Compatible with 8.1 and 2012 R2  (Read 14676 times)

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Che Johnson

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Hello All,

I'm happy to announce that we will be upgrading to the new program version 8.0.1603.  This program update will be for both the Console and the Clients.  If your client is managed then you need to first update the Console, then update the clients.

New Versions Include

Client : 8.0.1603
AEA:     8.0.367 (January 14, 2014 build)

EA (New Version 8.0.367)

- Global Exclusions: limit of exclusions has been increased

- Boot time scan: scan can be properly scheduled/finished without end user interaction

- Localization bug fixes

- Performance tab was added to the Scanning task

- Dynamic groups sort Win7 and newer OSs properly


- Windows 8 is listed in the console and reports, instead of windows 8.1

SOA (Version

- Boot time scan parameters fixed

- Exchange tab in the Shield settings is no longer visible when EPS license is used

- UI layout problems in Russian language were fixed


- Windows 8 is listed in the console and reports, instead of windows 8.1


Client side changes: (Client Version 8.0.1603)

- FW installation process has been changed for Win 8.1

- Sandbox/Autosanbox modifications: mostly on the server side

- MS Outlook mail add-in has been completely changed

- FW - Network tools display proper information

New supported platforms:

Win 8.1

Win 2012R2


A. How to update Enterprise Administration 8.0.367 (2014 Build)

1. To update the console there are 2 options

A. Update from Control Panel and go to add / remove programs.  Then click updates, next and you should start to see your console update to version 8.0.367 (Recommended - January 14, 2014 build)

2. After the console has updated, make sure the mirror now shows the correct version and then you can update the clients with an update program task and all new installations will now be version 8.0.1603 clients.

3. Please REBOOT after upgrade

B. How to update the Small Office Administration Update  (version

1. This can ONLY be updated by running the set up file found in the link below.

*(Please only download the client+console) ONLY CONSOLE WITHOUT MIRROR

2. If some of your clients haven't already updated then push an update task from the console to the clients only after making sure the mirror is also up to date.

***VERY IMPORTANT - You must redeploy to update the clients with the new program or they can be done on the client manually. ***

Kind Regards

« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 12:35:55 PM by Che Johnson »


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ASOA is doing that thing where it says version installed:, the most recent version is available:

Edit:  Also, MS Outlook Plugin - which was enabled by default with the previous release - appears to be disabled by default with this release.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 09:46:13 PM by nannunannu »


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I just updated the AEA to 8.0.367.
The Mirror is updated to 8.0.1603

I started an Installation to an existing old configuration on windows 2012 standard, eng with active ADS.

After the installation, there is no firewall installed even if i choosed to install the complete suite.
This is the same behavior as before.
How can I force the installation of the complete product to the server systems.

best regards

Offline Infratech Solutions

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Same problem under Windows 8.1

If you go to Control Panel -> Add/remove Programs -> avast! Endpoint Protection Suite Plus -> Modify -> Add Firewall...

We have an error screen about the firewall driver.

Che Johnson

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Did you restart the computer after installing?  However you can't install the firewall on the server by default.  In no product can you install the firewall on the server, only the client.

Offline Aleksandr Nazaryan

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EA (New Version 8.0.367)
- Dynamic groups sort Win7 and newer OSs properly

Happy to hear that it was fixed, but seems not in full. I created dynamic groups:
- with "Windows 7*" filter and got both Windows 7 and Windows 2008 machines listed
- with "Windows 20*" filter and got listed Windows 2003 machines only,  Windows 2008 machines were not in list

2 screenshots are attached for reference


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The console version 8.0.367 is from november 2013. This is correct even tho the opening post speaks of a NEW version with version 8.0.367 ?

Offline Infratech Solutions

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This is correct even tho the opening post speaks of a NEW version with version 8.0.367 ?

I think, it's a bug:

but not confirmed.


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Deploying v8.0.1603 to Windows 8.0 machine and then upgrading to Windows 8.1 still removes Avast! - however, re-deploying the EPS client v8.0.1603 to windows 8.1 does appear to function; no BSOD, no keyboard issues, etc.


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Any updates from other users on this new release?  I see from Nan that the Windows 8.1 update still strips the new Avast from the system.  Can anyone else confirm?  Is this something that is being addressed with Microsoft?

How is stability on the clients?  How is the AEA performing?

I'd like to begin deployment in the next month, so any feedback from other users who have deployed would be most appreciated.

Offline Aleksandr Nazaryan

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Hi Dewg,

We upgraded AEA console some 2-3 weeks ago, till now no abnormality is encountered, 100 out of 300 PCs are already on 1603.
Few Win 8/8.1 machines we have also were upgraded to 1603 smoothly. Screenshot is attached.

In my turn, I would also be grateful if someone help with question I raised here -
Thank you


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I was doing a test for another piece of software surviving through Windows 8.1 upgrade.  I was surprised to notice that Avast 1603 survived the Windows 8.1 upgrade without being stripped.  Perhaps Microsoft has altered the upgrade process?  Can anyone else test and confirm?