Here's the story,
Pondus; but remember, you asked for it! For years, my user name on the Web was
Mr. Cat (with occasional slight variations). However, there came a time when others began using this pseudonym as well; and to avoid confusion I decided to adopt a new user name. What, then, would be a good user name; one which would be unlikely to be copied?
As it happened, I'd purchased a military-surplus Norwegian backpack; and on it was stenciled, amongst other things,
FLYVÅPNET. Presto! My new user name! But what did it mean? According to my several on-line Scandinavian acquaintances, it was the name once used for the Norwegian air force; but I've not been able to confirm this. It sounds good, though!
Thing is, most Web sites requiring registration haven't software capable of accepting "special characters" in user names. Hence, Flyvåpnet became
Flyvapnet. Ta da! I hope you're not sorry you asked.
P.S.: I see you've sent me a private message, but come to find out I'm not allowed to send private messages; which apparently means I can't read them either. Sorry.