I'm a bit disappointed by all the silence going on around v2015 version (testing and later). I don't remember suck lack of communication and overall silence between users/testers and the team. I've only seen them around for few issues people were having but many things went by unanswered and Dyna-gen is certainly one of them. Or some general idea where DeepScreen with NG is planned to go. I mean, i still love avast!, but they always seem to have great plans and then nothing happens. Auto Sandbox promised a lot but in my eyes delivered very little. They say it had tons of detections yet i've seen like only few of them in all the years. If something is truly effective, even end users notice it, not just devs on their backend statistics. When ThreatFire was still actual, i've seen so many heuristic behavioral detections i could see it as super effective. Kaspersky PDM? I've seen it detect stuff so many times i just can't deny its efficiency. BitDefender's AVC? Seen it hundreds of times. Then DeepScreen arrived and while it did fix the EXE execution transparency which was a bit awkward with Auto Sandbox, it's efficiency was still very poor in my eyes as i rarely ever see it detect anything. Like they only use highly specialized behavior detection rules for only malware families and not general heuristics for broader ranges of malware. So, how will NG improve things if at all? If you just plan to replace old VM with new one and not invest in it further from that we won't see any real results. And here is another thing that is bothering me. Most of other companies, when they launch a new version with new protection capabilities, they in most cases already operate at near full capacity on release day. With avast! it's a very annoying trend of announcing something with new version and the announced features then slowly and gradually get incorporated over the upcoming months. And then new version arrives and again does the same. It's also a bit annoying from a promotion side for us, users and promoters. You're suppose to tell users (and attract them this way) that new version is so much better but in reality it's not and it will or might become better over time. People don't go into things because they "might" get great over time. They want to use them because they are great this very moment and might become even better in the future. Someone at avast! should really do something about it.