Author Topic: Lost Phone Wipe Help and Add new Device to My Avast Help  (Read 2105 times)

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Lost Phone Wipe Help and Add new Device to My Avast Help
« on: November 06, 2014, 08:27:11 AM »
Hello, I left my phone on a international flight.  Naturally my network was turned off and wifi used while overseas.  I can only imagine that the person that took the phone is trying to use it with another SIM.  Hopefully they use the WIFI on.  If not, its there a way to wipe the phone internal and external memory if WIFI and the Network Data is off?  My other question is this.  I just received my new Note 4 and I am trying to login using Google Drive and it says that there is a error and cannot connect.  I also cannot add my this new device within My Avast.  Can you offer any assistance with these requests?