Author Topic: Brwser Cleanup. Extutil and Managera "remove all add-ons" Fails unexpected ???  (Read 2682 times)

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Offline eric31

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Two browser add ons (no idea where they came from) reported as poor by avast .Wndows is not Running as I think it should .(updates not available Win7 PRo).Avast appears to try to clear the add ons but meats an unexpected error, presumably these addons are doing their worst.  any ideas?


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Hi Eric. Welcome to Avast Forums.

I have an user in the Spanish forum with exactly the same issue. Obviously Avast BCU can not get rid of it, may be, because Managera is a hijacker and something else might be involved as well. My recomendation is to look for help in the Viruses and Worms forum.

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Open a new topic and attach ( Do not copy/paste ) logs for Malwarebytes', Farbar Recovery Scan Tool, and aswMBR.exe here:

Where an expert in the removal of malware will help you.

See this thread:
« Last Edit: December 18, 2014, 12:13:04 AM by iroc9555 »