Author Topic: Affected as an intermediate in the recent Angler landing malvertising campain.  (Read 972 times)

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Offline polonus

  • Avast Ăśberevangelist
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  • Posts: 33927
  • malware fighter
WOT does not like it:
For info on one of the latest Angler involved malvertising campain, read:
The re-writing taking place on HTTPS:// Everywhere:
See that the target hosts there were also used in the malvertising Angler targeting campain!
<target host=""/>
   <target host=""/>
   <target host=""/>
   <target host=""/>
   <target host=""/>
   <target host=""/>

   <!--   Complications:
   <target host=""/>
   <target host=""/> going to a bad zone: see on the main domain, seems OK:

Current status is unreachable?  Unable to properly scan your site. Site empty (no content): Content-Length: 0

Error: Server Error

The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.
Please try again in 30 seconds.

See recent report on the malcode:
and  for the adlink served up by,
German–American digital marketing company.

Angler is the Cybercriminal Exploit Kit by Choice and very, very hard to detect by AV.
Malvertising with Angler infections gonna form a major problem, keep your adblockers sharp - polonus uses uBlock Origin combined with the  Adquard Adblocker extension, an absolute must to get protection against malvertisers.

Cybersecurity is more of an attitude than anything else. Avast Evangelists.

Use NoScript, a limited user account and a virtual machine and be safe(r)!