Author Topic: Avast 4.6 Home blocking cookies & breaking websites?  (Read 8721 times)

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Avast 4.6 Home blocking cookies & breaking websites?
« on: November 29, 2005, 10:34:49 PM »
I am running Avast Home 4.6.731 and I've just started to have a problem which I have traced to it (the problem disappears when I stop On-access protection).

When I visit certain websites they don't function properly; - when I log in it logs me out again when I navigate the site - it is impossible for me to put anything in my shopping basket

I'm guessing that this is something to do with cookies, but I can't find a setting in Avast that mentions them.  What makes it stranger is that the candlepowerforums site was working fine until this morning (I haven't previously tried Ebuyer since installing Avast) - which was the first time I encountered this problem.

I am also running Zone Alarm Pro 6.1.737.000 (should be the latest update), but this doesn't cause any problem on its own.  This was installed prior to Avast (but updated since, prior to this problem though)
So far as I know neither Zone Alarm or Avast have updated themselves in the last day - other than a virus file update for Avast.


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Re: Avast 4.6 Home blocking cookies & breaking websites?
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2005, 10:47:31 PM »
Though I can access candlepowerforums with no problem I do not have a login there so I cannot attempt to recreate that problem.

I just accessed ebuyer.  It stored a cookie on my first visit to say that I am in the US.  On my next access it remembered I am in the US.

I was able to select a product, put in the cart, view the cart, delete the item from the cart.

I am using the same versions of avast and ZoneAlarm as you and have the Standard Shield set to normal. 

Oh, I am using Firefox 1.5 RC3 as the browser.

Have you tried to identify which individual provider, if stopped, alleviates the problem you are seeing? 


Just conducted the same test with ebuyer using IE6 - no problems there either.

« Last Edit: November 29, 2005, 10:54:19 PM by alanrf »

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Re: Avast 4.6 Home blocking cookies & breaking websites?
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2005, 11:29:41 PM »
It must be the well-known incompatibility between Avast and ZoneAlarm's "Privacy" features (cookies blocking).

Haven't avast, during its installation, displayed a warning message related to this?

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Re: Avast 4.6 Home blocking cookies & breaking websites?
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2005, 11:42:53 PM »
My apologies for not checking more thoroughly before posting.

It's the Web Shield, but if I only pause it the problem persists - only stopping it works.

Vlk - I got a warning about the transparent proxy & ZoneAlarm on installation, but it worked fine up until this morning as installed(???).  Can you point me to the fix for this?  (is there one?)

alanrf - I'm using IE6 too, but from the UK.  When I tried selecting "Buy now" with the Web Shield running I simply got passed to a screen stating that my shopping cart was empty.

FWIW I tried putting both sites in the "Exclusions" list for the Web Shield, to no avail (that's my excuse for not thinking to turn the providers off one at a time....)

Anyway, thanks for the quick replies - I now have most of the virus protection running again at least.

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Re: Avast 4.6 Home blocking cookies & breaking websites?
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2005, 11:59:19 PM »
You probably just recently updated the version of ZA (as I did).  Did you make any change to the edition you are using Pro versus Home Edition?

I just repeated my test of ebuyer with IE6 at the UK site, again able to add to cart, display, delete from cart etc. 

I'm using Webshield set to normal sensitivity. 

Are you using any other software (like WebWasher or some other proxy) to scan your net activity?


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Re: Avast 4.6 Home blocking cookies & breaking websites?
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2005, 12:23:14 AM »
No change to ZoneAlarm, it was Pro before and after the update - which was a couple of days ago.  I didn't touch its settings either.

The only other program I have running that would interfere with websites is the popup blocker in IE, but thats been turned on for ages and it always "boasts" about doing anything anyway (with a message bar beneath the IE toolbar).

Web Shield was set to normal sensitivity for me too.

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Re: Avast 4.6 Home blocking cookies & breaking websites?
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2005, 02:00:00 AM »
Probably best for you to answer the avast "ZoneAlarm" compatibility question again.

To do that follow the directions by Tech here:

When you restart avast you will get the screen asking you a Yes or No question about ZoneAlarm.  Answer the question Yes (since you are using ZoneAlarm Pro edition).

I hope that helps with the Webshield/cookie problem.


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Re: Avast 4.6 Home blocking cookies & breaking websites?
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2005, 07:23:38 PM »
I've followed the instructions and now feel like a dolt, because it's all working again!
Although I'm still in the dark about why it worked for a while without the fix this is obviously the answer.

Thanks for your help & sorry I didn't read through the FAQ more thoroughly before posting.

(I blame my newborn daughter, she keeps distracting me & insisting I play things like this ;))

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Re: Avast 4.6 Home blocking cookies & breaking websites?
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2005, 09:16:52 PM »
I'm glad you are working again.  Possibly something went awry during the recent updates to avast and ZA that just about came on the heels of each other. 

Congratulations on the new addition to your family.


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Re: Avast 4.6 Home blocking cookies & breaking websites?
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2005, 01:05:57 PM »
Guess what, the problem reared its head again today.  I removed the tick from the "Use a Proxy Server for your LAN..." box and it was instantly cured.   ???

Who said we haven't developed artificial intelligence yet?  I'm sure that this machine is messing with me....

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Re: Avast 4.6 Home blocking cookies & breaking websites?
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2005, 01:12:54 PM »
So do I udnerstand it correctly that now, you have

1. webshield transparent scanning turned OFF
2. in your browser, manually set proxy server to localhost:12080

?? And it is still making problems??

Are you using the free or Pro version of ZoneAlarm? Do you have the privacy features of ZA enabled?
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Re: Avast 4.6 Home blocking cookies & breaking websites?
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2005, 05:48:38 PM »
Right I've had a thorough check of my settings now.

1. I had "80" in the "Redirected http ports" box in the basic tab of the Web shield settings.
2. When I intially reported the problem I had not manually configured the proxy server;
  I then configured it, as per the video, for http only;
  I've now set it, as per the text faq, for ALL protocols.

When I first had this trouble - no manual configuration of proxy, setting it cured things.
When it came back this morning turning off the proxy cured it.

I have now set the proxy again (all protocols) and cleared the "redirected http ports" box.  I think that this is the transparent scanning & thus hopefully it was this that was causing the trouble.  Right now all is well again.
I can't honestly remember whether I clicked "Yes" or "No" to the transparent scanning on installation.

I have ZoneAlarm Pro version:6.1.737.000, privacy settings:- Cookie control medium, Ad blocking high, Mobile code control off.  (I haven't changed these settings throughout)

Was it the entry in the "Redirected http ports" box that did it?  (my fault for not saying "No" to transparent scanning)
Why do the video and text faq give two different versions of how to configure the proxy?

Thanks for your patience with a slow learner.. :-[