Witam Юрий178
Congrats as the site is neither malicious nor suspicious,
however site could do with some tips acquired through linting:
https://webhint.io/scanner/f6332ded-5892-4e56-9b31-d9c50a529f81Potential DOM-XSS Issue:
em.async=true;em.src=('htxps:'==document.location.protocol?'htxps://':'htxps://')+'leadback.ru/js/leadback.js';var s=document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]
DOM-XSS issues: Results from scanning URL: -https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js
Number of sources found: 412
Number of sinks found: 124 (all outside your scope
Security Checks for
https://mebel-darna.ru(2) Susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks
(2) Vulnerabilities can be uncovered more easily
(2) Emails can be fraudulently sent
(2) Unnecessary open ports
DNS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks
Javascript Errors: File not found: -http://mebel-darna.ru/modules/lazyload/js/jquery.lazyload.js
ErrorUtils caught an error: "Tried to listen to element of type click from Error: Cannot listen to an unde...". Subsequent errors won't be logged; see -https://fburl.com/debugjs.
-https://www.facebook.com/rsrc.php/v3/y6/r/kApeDjx9YPr.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz:51 (Cavalry logger).
polonus (volunteer 3rd party cold recon website security analyst and website error-hunter)