When I first reported this problem back in mi September, I was told by an Avast employee that it would be fixed when the next definitions update was released. It wasn't.
I then logged a fault report via your website, and sent you the requested information on 24th September...
On 25th September I received an email saying the problem had been sent to the developers...
On the 1st October, I received an email saying the fix had been done but another 'problem' had occurred which would stop the fix being rolled out.
On the 11th October I got another email saying the fix has been scheduled for the next programme update with no date scheduled when that will be released.
I sent an email around the 22nd of October asking when the next programme update will be released.
On the 25th October I got a reply saying it should be in the next few weeks, and I could always use the 'beta release' instead.... WTF!!!!
It is now nearly a month since that last email from you, and now I find out through this forum that you claim you haven't released the the latest progreamme update that fixes this because of some sort of 'attack' on Avast!!!!
As stated at the start of this post this is BS and hardly inspires confidence in Avast and it's products....
I renewed my annual subscription in mid September, I am now ready to ask for a refund of that subscription, remove all traces of Avast from all my computers, and do what numerous people have advised me to do, just use MS Windows Security and Malware Bytes, because I dont really need Avast at all....
For a major security firm like Avast to take over two months to try and fix this problem and still not have a fix available is beyond ridiculous!