Author Topic: Duckduckgo dot come page error on Brave privacy shield..  (Read 901 times)

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Offline polonus

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Duckduckgo dot come page error on Brave privacy shield..
« on: July 18, 2020, 12:09:07 PM »
To-day Duckduckgo would not perform actual search, but tried to take me to the WayBackMachine.
Apparently something did not tick with Brave Privacy Shield settings, disabled and re-enabled and everything fine again.

All other search engines worked fine like Qwant, common Google etc.

Is it DuckDuckGo is performing DDG data experiments, that produced this hick-up?

See: DOM-XSS Results from scanning URL: -
Number of sources found: 135
Number of sinks found: 371
content-security-policy   default-src https: blob: data: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; frame-ancestors 'self'
content-type   application/x-javascript
Results from scanning URL: -
Number of sources found: 25
Number of sinks found: 14

Is this a Microsoft No-Snoop detection, see:
AS 8075 ( Microsoft Corporation )

polonus (volunteer 3rd party cold recon website security analyst and website error-hunter)
Cybersecurity is more of an attitude than anything else. Avast Evangelists.

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