Author Topic: Newbie Q: Knowing avast is working.. ?  (Read 5002 times)

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Newbie Q: Knowing avast is working.. ?
« on: January 28, 2004, 02:02:51 AM »
Hi from a newbie convert from Norton... Please feel free to send me somewhere else if the answer is already in an FAQ, though I did read it.


a) How do I know if avant is checking incoming mail ?  When I just checked my email there was no signal from avant and nothing happening in the taskbar.

b) I get warned that avant cannot check outgoing because Port 25 is in use.  There is nothing in the Help file about this.. Ideas anyone ?

I am very nervous starting with avant because there si so much virus activity happening this week and Norton already caought about twnty infected mails today...


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Re:Newbie Q: Knowing avast is working.. ?
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2004, 03:58:26 AM »
double click the icon ball and select internet mail, customize, advanced, and check the box for show detailed information.  This will show a window indicating that avast is scanning messages in real time.

Make sure your set up is correct for Avast and Pocomail through the Avast email wizard set up program or check your pocomail incoming and outgoing servers should be set at  Your Pocomail user or account name should look like this, ""

The Avast email wizard can be found in the Avast program folder.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2004, 04:01:57 AM by Culpeper »


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Re:Newbie Q: Knowing avast is working.. ?
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2004, 06:28:38 AM »
You can also check for proper scans by sending yourself a test virus, not real just a way to test if your system is set up right..

Heres the url

Take care,


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Re:Newbie Q: Knowing avast is working.. ?
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2004, 09:50:18 AM »
double click the icon ball

Brilliant.  That's a major relief.  Have it working now. Am a little concerned through that not a single instance of the virus going the rounds seemed to turn up today while >20 were caught by Norton yesterday.....

pocomail incoming and outgoing servers should be set at

Jeeeez... NEVER would have picked that one up.  Thanks Culpeper !

Your Pocomail user or account name should look like this, ""

Don't get that one... I changed the servers above and all seems to be working.... does that mean I must have it ok ?


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Re:Newbie Q: Knowing avast is working.. ?
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2004, 03:39:09 PM »
Yeah, if you getting the Avast email scanner showing each mail being scanned and if selected the note at the bottom of a scanned message than everything should be okay.


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Re:Newbie Q: Knowing avast is working.. ?
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2004, 04:32:32 PM »
Yeah, if you getting the Avast email scanner showing each mail being scanned and if selected the note at the bottom of a scanned message than everything should be okay.

Great.  Then all seems fine - I am getting the window at the bottom of the screen when each mail is scanned and just now it caught a virus.. so I'm happy  ;D

When a virus is caught I get a window that gives me a series of choices.  Could you just confirm which the best solution is to pick ?

Should I always try to repair first ?  if repair fails will I be given the option of delete ?... or should I move it to the chest ?

Is the chest the same as the quarantine in Norton ?

Also (sorry) it asks me if I wish to report the virus to avast... but should I do this first before repair/delete ?

Much obliged for your help Culpeper.  Thanks a lot.


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Re:Newbie Q: Knowing avast is working.. ?
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2004, 09:20:34 PM »
Send it to the virus chest and from there you can email it to the Avast Team.  They like to collect viruses ???

You can get to your virus chest through the main menu.  From there you can set up how to email them to Avast.

Also, sending them to the virus chest is good because if it turns out to be a false alert you can restore the file.  This has only happened once that I know of where a system file was presenting a false alert through Avast.  Those that deleted the file needed to find a replacement for it.  Those that sent it to the virus chest were able to restore the file.  Avast immediately cured the false alert bug.