Author Topic: password weirdness  (Read 2445 times)

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Offline kanobis

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password weirdness
« on: September 18, 2021, 09:48:41 AM »
I received an e-mail from Avast saying my password needed to be reset because I used the same one on another website that had been hacked (which is questionable since I try to use a unique password for every website). To be safe, I opened the Avast User Interface on my PC (Windows desktop, Avast Free Antivirus) and reset the password from within the UI itself. I then tried to log into my account via the UI with the newly created password and it said my password did not match which made me concerned. I requested an email for "forgotten passwords", followed the link within, and reset my password on my web browser to the same password I had just created in the UI a few minutes prior. Once I did, I tried logging in again via the UI and this time it worked. Because the weirdness that it didn't recognize the newly changed password the first time but did the second time, I'm concerned as to whether my security is still intact. I assume it must be ok, since everything was instigated from within the UI shell, but it seems odd that it did not recognize the new password at first from the attempt at changing it within the UI interface but then did on the 2nd attempt via the web browser attempt. I want to make sure my account/password info is still secure.

Offline kanobis

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Re: password weirdness
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2021, 06:30:27 AM »
And now today, when booting up my computer (first time since last message), Avast shields didn't initiate with boot and had to be manually turned on.