Author Topic: How to scan ALL files?  (Read 16306 times)

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Offline Lars-Erik

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Re:How to scan ALL files?
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2004, 08:55:31 PM »
??? You would be supprised, how stupid some people can be!

"This is a swedish virus. Please forward this message to all your friends. Afterwards delete all the files on your harddisk. Thank you." - ICQ: 7297605 - AIM/Yahoo/Facebook/Skype/Astra: LarsErikOsterud


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Re:How to scan ALL files?
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2004, 09:00:47 PM »
"This is a swedish virus. Please forward this message to all your friends. Afterwards delete all the files on your harddisk. Thank you."

Uh, OK. I did all that, now what?? Hello??? Can anybody hear me? Why is this screen all blue? OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;D

Gary Speer


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Re:How to scan ALL files?
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2004, 10:40:18 PM »
Hi Lars-Erik, Hi Gary,
 ;D Some jokes are fine, but in reality it happens all to often.

Out of ignorance and stupidity they open every attachment which gets into their inbox.
Afterwards it supprises them that their computer got infected, because they didn't have the good sense to install a virusscanner as well as a firewall.

Students are worse in exchanging software without scanning it.
Some spammers already send you viruses. >:( Totally unacceptable.

Gary, I'm really glad of having Avast Pro instead of NAV and using PocoMail instead of MS. In addition I also have Sygate Pro, so this all together gives me a 99% protection.

 ;) Till later, Eric

Offline Lars-Erik

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Re:How to scan ALL files?
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2004, 10:45:50 PM »
Computer company people are no better. I work in a large software company and there are ALWAYS someone that manages to open an infected attachment (and one is enough). Luckily the virus scanners get 99.9% nowadays, but from time to time a new virus gets passed, and then... - ICQ: 7297605 - AIM/Yahoo/Facebook/Skype/Astra: LarsErikOsterud


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Re:How to scan ALL files?
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2004, 10:57:12 PM »
I work in a large software company and there are ALWAYS someone that manages to open an infected attachment (and one is enough).

Could it be that many of us are sort of morbidly fascinated by the whole idea of
email attachments/virus infections? Sort of like car wrecks and train wrecks -- you know it's tragedy, but it's hard not to look.  ???

Gary Speer


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Re:How to scan ALL files?
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2004, 11:09:22 PM »
I work in a large software company and there are ALWAYS someone that manages to open an infected attachment (and one is enough).
It also happens at my work. Today someone opened a dangerous attachment and IT needed 3 hours to put everything back to normal.

Could it be that many of us are sort of morbidly fascinated by the whole idea of email attachments/virus infections? Sort of like car wrecks and train wrecks -- you know it's tragedy, but it's hard not to look.  ???
Gary, from day one that I worked with a computer I've always been fascinated with the security aspect. Through this all I'm now the most asked person in my department for helping them out with software & hardware problems. It takes some load off from IT.
I still like to help people to the best of my ability, as you found out.

 ;D Not morbidly fascinated, but close.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2004, 11:13:51 PM by EVdB »


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Re:How to scan ALL files?
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2004, 11:13:12 PM »
;D Not morbidly fascinated, but close.

 ;D Yeah, I'm sort of the same way. I have soooo many things I'm supposed to be doing most days trying to make a living (??) doing freelance writing and affiliate marketing. But instead I struggle to limit the time I spend online doing antivirus, email, spam related things, etc.

Ah, well. My wife is very understanding, very supportive, and so far we're making it.

Gary Speer


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Re:How to scan ALL files?
« Reply #22 on: March 03, 2004, 12:11:54 AM »
Yeah, the one time my company was infected (with the LoveLetter), it was ~literally~ because ONE guy decided he "wanted to see what would happen".   >:(

He was a computer-literate guy, too - he knew what was going to happen.

We lost a lot of graphics files on the server because of that.  Amazingly enough, he didn't even get in trouble hardly.  (This was before our big IT upgrade came along).

Amazing what people will do.