Author Topic: Avast is blocking application  (Read 758 times)

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Offline ljnath

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Avast is blocking application
« on: February 24, 2023, 07:54:31 PM »
Hi All,
I am using Avast Premium Security for a long time. But recently I am facing issue with Smart Assembly (
This application process starts up and I can see it in the task manager, but the GUI for the application doesn't comes up.

I check with the support team of RedGate; they mentioned that they have faces the similar issue with another customer who too uses Avast.
They also mentioned that adding the application in Exclusion list doesn't help.
I tried adding both the application and its installation directory under exclusion list, but it did not help. I uninstalled Avast and tried again; this time the application worked as excepted.

I am also facing a similar problem with a custom made application; with avast it crashes with trying to open the 'Save Dialog Box'; without avast it runs smoothly.
Based on this I am confirm that the issue lies with Avast. Can you please assist me on this.

I did some preliminary analysis by going through the Avast debug logs. I can see the following entries while starting both the applications.

Code: [Select]
[2023-02-24 18:18:22.398] [debug  ] [event_r_rpc] [ 5752: 7572] [70B549:1230] couldn't create secure context for AvastAvUI-FCFB76DC-1ABC-4319-A592-4B0CBD461637:65536
[2023-02-24 18:18:22.403] [debug  ] [aavm_scan  ] [ 5752:12032] [D3FF68:3771] x_AavmCheckFileDirectEx: (AavmScanOnExecute,C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SmartAssembly 8\SmartAssembly.exe,): fInfected=0 fProcess=1 sData.dwFlags=0x00001130 dwEngineFlags=0x04000000
[2023-02-24 18:18:23.286] [debug  ] [event_r_rpc] [ 5752: 6328] [70B549:1230] couldn't create secure context for AvastAvUI-FCFB76DC-1ABC-4319-A592-4B0CBD461637:65536

Code: [Select]
[2023-02-24 18:27:13.993] [debug  ] [event_r_rpc] [ 5752:19072] [70B549:1230] couldn't create secure context for AvastAvUI-FCFB76DC-1ABC-4319-A592-4B0CBD461637:65536
[2023-02-24 18:27:14.059] [debug  ] [aavm_scan  ] [ 5752:12064] [D3FF68:3771] x_AavmCheckFileDirectEx: (AavmScanOnExecute,[COMPLETE_PATH]\UserMonitoringSystem.exe,): fInfected=0 fProcess=1 sData.dwFlags=0x00001130 dwEngineFlags=0x1402000D
[2023-02-24 18:27:14.059] [info   ] [aavm_snx   ] [ 5752:12064] [D3FF68: 936] AutoSandboxProcessing() done for file [COMPLETE_PATH]\UserMonitoringSystem.exe(\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Users\[COMPLETE_PATH]\UserMonitoringSystem.exe) ret:0 answer:2
[2023-02-24 18:27:14.077] [debug  ] [event_r_rpc] [ 5752:19072] [70B549:1230] couldn't create secure context for AvastAvUI-FCFB76DC-1ABC-4319-A592-4B0CBD461637:65536
[2023-02-24 18:27:14.086] [debug  ] [event_r_rpc] [ 5752:19072] [70B549:1230] couldn't create secure context for AvastAvUI-FCFB76DC-1ABC-4319-A592-4B0CBD461637:65536
[2023-02-24 18:27:14.088] [debug  ] [aavm_scan  ] [ 5752:12064] [D3FF68:3771] x_AavmCheckFileDirectEx: (AavmScanOnExecute,C:\windows\system32\consent.exe,): fInfected=0 fProcess=0 sData.dwFlags=0x00000230 dwEngineFlags=0x00000000
[2023-02-24 18:27:14.150] [debug  ] [event_r_rpc] [ 5752: 9432] [70B549:1230] couldn't create secure context for AvastAvUI-FCFB76DC-1ABC-4319-A592-4B0CBD461637:65536
[2023-02-24 18:27:14.160] [debug  ] [event_r_rpc] [ 5752: 9432] [70B549:1230] couldn't create secure context for AvastAvUI-FCFB76DC-1ABC-4319-A592-4B0CBD461637:65536
[2023-02-24 18:27:14.165] [debug  ] [aavm_scan  ] [ 5752:12064] [D3FF68:3771] x_AavmCheckFileDirectEx: (AavmScanOnExecute,[COMPLETE_PATH]\UserMonitoringSystem.exe,): fInfected=0 fProcess=1 sData.dwFlags=0x00001130 dwEngineFlags=0x1402000D
[2023-02-24 18:27:14.165] [info   ] [aavm_snx   ] [ 5752:12064] [D3FF68: 936] AutoSandboxProcessing() done for file [COMPLETE_PATH]\UserMonitoringSystem.exe(\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Users\[COMPLETE_PATH]\UserMonitoringSystem.exe) ret:0 answer:2
[2023-02-24 18:27:14.390] [debug  ] [event_r_rpc] [ 5752: 9432] [70B549:1230] couldn't create secure context for AvastAvUI-FCFB76DC-1ABC-4319-A592-4B0CBD461637:65536
[2023-02-24 18:27:14.393] [debug  ] [aavm_scan  ] [ 5752:12080] [D3FF68:3771] x_AavmCheckFileDirectEx: (AavmScanOnExecute,C:\windows\SYSTEM32\cmd.exe,): fInfected=0 fProcess=0 sData.dwFlags=0x00000230 dwEngineFlags=0x00000000
[2023-02-24 18:27:14.460] [debug  ] [event_r_rpc] [ 5752:17312] [70B549:1230] couldn't create secure context for AvastAvUI-FCFB76DC-1ABC-4319-A592-4B0CBD461637:65536
[2023-02-24 18:27:14.485] [debug  ] [event_r_rpc] [ 5752: 9432] [70B549:1230] couldn't create secure context for AvastAvUI-FCFB76DC-1ABC-4319-A592-4B0CBD461637:65536
[2023-02-24 18:27:14.489] [debug  ] [aavm_scan  ] [ 5752:12076] [D3FF68:3771] x_AavmCheckFileDirectEx: (AavmScanOnExecute,C:\windows\system32\quser.exe,): fInfected=0 fProcess=1 sData.dwFlags=0x00000130 dwEngineFlags=0x10002000
[2023-02-24 18:27:14.507] [debug  ] [event_r_rpc] [ 5752: 9432] [70B549:1230] couldn't create secure context for AvastAvUI-FCFB76DC-1ABC-4319-A592-4B0CBD461637:65536
[2023-02-24 18:27:14.509] [debug  ] [event_r_rpc] [ 5752:16144] [70B549:1230] couldn't create secure context for AvastAvUI-FCFB76DC-1ABC-4319-A592-4B0CBD461637:65536
[2023-02-24 18:27:14.510] [debug  ] [event_r_rpc] [ 5752:10376] [70B549:1230] couldn't create secure context for AvastAvUI-FCFB76DC-1ABC-4319-A592-4B0CBD461637:65536
