My home network was set up long ago from an HP z workstation wired to a router that supports wired and wireless networking (both a 2.4G and 5G SSID'd connections). My wife uses a laptop to connect via Wi-Fi to the internet, printers etc. I can see and access her computer (with login UID and password) but she cannot even see my computer via File Explorer. Only her own computer is listed under "Network". I don't believe this was an issue before I switched security suite to Avast.
I've tried looking for firewall and network protection settings that would allow her to see my computer from hers. I have network discovery and file/printer sharing turned on for my workstation. I can see, log into, and access (read, write, modify) files on her laptop from the workstation (going wired, to wireless to laptop) but she cannot access mine even with the explicit "\\wrkstnName\userID\documents" format addressing.
What do I need to set/change in Avast Premium Security to allow a laptop connected to the private Wi-Fi to be able to even SEE the workstation on the inbound side of the router?