Author Topic: Avast Services Stopping automatically  (Read 2113 times)

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Avast Services Stopping automatically
« on: February 06, 2008, 05:32:47 PM »
Hi... I have a really weird problem with a fresh intallation of Avast Home.

After a while (less than an hour from boot), the avast icon disappears from the system tray, and the avast services are stopped. I've checked the System Event Viewer, and I see the services shutting down cleanly... just like if I had stopped them manually, i.e.:

Se ha enviado satisfactoriamente un control detener al servicio avast! Web Scanner.  (Event Id 7035)
El servicio avast! Web Scanner entrĂ³ en estado detenido. (Event Id 7036)

What can be causing this?

    Julian J. M.


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Re: Avast Services Stopping automatically
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2008, 06:53:35 PM »
 :)  Hi :

     There is a new "Malware" that is causing problems for antiVIRUS programs;
     you MAY have been "infected" by it . Other than Avast, what other
     security program(s) do you have on your computer ? IF you have no
     antiSPYWARE/antiTROJAN program(s), I recommend you use the FREE
     version of "SUPERAntiSpyware" from ASAP .