these files are not visible even if hidden files are shown. if i insert any USB device like penDrive or moble then these files are copied in them and y82td3td.com is shown in autorun of usb device. Avast donot detect them. i search on internet and check procedure to detect them by cmd.
these files are in computer at:--
i just cancel there attributes by cmd as
attrib -s -h -r autorun.inf
if no error is shown taht means pc is infected by virus.
then i just run
c:\>attrib -s -h -r autorun.inf
c:\>del autorun.inf
c:\>attrib -s -h -r y82td3td.com
c:\>del y82td3td.com
c:\>cd windows\system32
c:\windows\system32>attrib -s -h -r amvol.dll
c:\windows\system32>del amvol.dll
then i restart my computer and these files are deleted
but why avast! can't detect that virus??
its a limitation in avast!
is threre solution for it?