Author Topic: SBS 2008 Installation guide  (Read 27548 times)

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Offline scythe944

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SBS 2008 Installation guide
« on: January 14, 2009, 06:05:35 PM »
I have posted about this topic in other topics, but I don't think a definitive answer has come about yet. I know that the best way to get this answered is to post in a new thread, so here it goes.

Has anyone actually installed ADNM on a SBS 2008 box yet?  Is there installation instructions on how to do so?

Can we use the built-in SQL express 2005 that SBS comes with for it's SBS monitoring and WSUS databases?  I've tried the ADNM install with MSDE, and of course it won't work because the server is x64.  I've downloaded SQL express 2005, and I thought that I installed it, but when I tried to specify the server name and sa password that I created, Avast says that it can't find the server instance.

I've tried to download SQL Express 2008, but again, Avast says it can't find it.  I have specified the servername\instance name, sa password, etc.  Nothing seems to work.

I'd really like to get Avast installed for this client, but I'm starting to think that it just doesn't work for this OS yet.

I have sent a support ticket to, and hopefully they'll have an answer if no one in here does.

Also, if I find out how to do it, I'll definitely do a write-up on how to do so and post it here, and on my website.

Thanks to anyone that may have some information!
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Offline scythe944

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Re: SBS 2008 Installation guide
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2009, 05:23:56 PM »
I think I may have gotten it to work finally, but I'm still waiting to reboot the server to finish installation and everything else.  If it does work, I'll provide a write-up for everyone in case they run into the same problem that I had...
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Re: SBS 2008 Installation guide
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2009, 05:21:16 AM »
I would be interested to know if you got this to work (and how you got it to work). I am testing the Avast! SBS Suite software in order to replace Symantec Endpoint at my office, as well as all of my customers. Endpoint has so many problems that I can no longer recommend it to my customers.

I was unable to get ADNM to install on SBS 2008, but installed it on a virtual XP SP2 running as a guest on the SBS 2008. It installed, but could not do any push installs on my other clients. It could not detect any clients, so I manually created a text file of the clients. I later installed Avast! Pro manually on the clients.

Very disappointed with Avast! in many ways.

There was nothing on the web site indicating that this product does not work on SBS 2008 - in fact, to the contrary - the SBS Edition download says to check for "Microsoft Windows Server 2000/2003/2008 for Small Business Server..."
« Last Edit: March 12, 2009, 05:34:10 AM by sandiegocal »

Offline scythe944

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Re: SBS 2008 Installation guide
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2009, 02:21:59 PM »
Actually, yes this did work.  I'm sorry about not having a write-up yet, I've been sort of busy lately.

You have to download MS SQL 2005 Express and install that.  Create an instance name of "avast" or something like that.  Then, when you're going through the installation of Avast, you specify the instance name that you created during your SQL installation.

The only problem that I have found is that when the server does Windows Updates, Sql server SP2 fails to install.

I'm still working on trying to fix that, but I don't know if there is a fix, because I haven't seen anywhere that SQL express 2005 is compatible with server 2008 yet.

Anyway, it does work, and you'll be able to push out to your clients.  However, you might have to create/modify a group policy to allow ports through windows firewalls if you are using them and you're having problems.

I can give you more info about that if you need it.  Just let me know.
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Re: SBS 2008 Installation guide
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2009, 04:28:39 AM »
Thank you for replying. is it the 32bit SQL express 2005, or the64 bit that you installed?


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Re: SBS 2008 Installation guide
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2009, 08:00:15 PM »
first, for anyone following this thread, you have to install the 64bit Sql Express 2005 (since the 32bit version will not install on SBS 2008).

second, it seems that the first time that you install Sql Express, it does not ask you for an instance name, but creates a default instance called "SQLEXPRESS" automatically. (I have done this twice, uninstalling the SQLEXPRESS from Control Panel>Programs and Features, using the Change option on Microsoft SQL Server 2005.) The second time you install Sql Express, it does asks you for an instance name, and you can create one called "avast".

You have to download MS SQL 2005 Express and install that.  Create an instance name of "avast" or something like that.  Then, when you're going through the installation of Avast, you specify the instance name that you created during your SQL installation.

When I get to the part where avast! Management Tool Setup reads:
[] Use MSDE (installs MSDE on local computer with instance name "avast")


[]Use full MS SQL Server (2000 or higher)

Sorry, I don't see a place to specify the instance. I can't seem to get any further than this point.

I know that you are very busy, but if you could just take 5 minutes to reply, you could save me hours of frustration.

Thanks very much.


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Re: SBS 2008 Installation guide
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2009, 08:57:05 PM »
Just to clarify, when I select Use full MS SQL Server - since this is the only place that seems where I can specify anything, it always comes back with an error "Couldn't locate SQL server sbs2008/avast. You have specified incorrect SQL server name or login. Do you want to continue?"

SBS2008 is the actual server name, and I always select "No" to the Do you want to continue question?.
I am using the sa account (by default), and using the password that I believe existed. I went over to the SQL Database Manager, and set the password for the SA account on this instance, and had to check the setting to allow SA to login.

The Create avast! database box is checked.

Still does not work.


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Re: SBS 2008 Installation guide
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2009, 09:32:35 PM »
I finally have it working (installing at least).

Two items needed to change:
when you are installing the SQL instance called avast, make sure that you select security mode of "MIXED" - when you do, it enables some boxes that allow you to create an "sa" password.

When you are running the Avast Distributed Network Manager, and you get to the selection page:
[] Use MSDE (installs MSDE on local computer with instance name "avast")


[]Use full MS SQL Server (2000 or higher)
Use this option BUT the slash goes in this direction "/"!!!
I had been using sbs2008\avast - it should have been sbs2008/avast.

(I am reinstalling and now the slash has to go in the other direction "\" - so try it both ways if one doesn't work)

I hope this helps someone else.

Also, just a note about uninstalling an SQL server instance. The uninstall routine (see one of the other notes about using Control Panel) fails - says there is an application open - with an option to Retry Ignore Cancel. Leave that dialogue open, and go to Run>Services.msc, and stop the instance that you want to delete, and then hit retry in the dialogue where the uninstall failed. It may pause again for a different failure, but hit retry, and it should continue.

Also, on this last installation, I did go into services.msc and start the SQL Server (AVAST) instance, before I started the ADNM installation - just in case. I don't think it was necessary.

I did find all of this information scattered about - it seems like Avast! could post this in a single location. After five hours of dicking around with the installation, I sure hope it works.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2009, 04:23:46 AM by sandiegocal »


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Re: SBS 2008 Installation guide
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2009, 06:45:03 AM »
I did get this working, but when you are following along in the ADNM guide, the second task is to create the computer catalog. It did not work for me UNTIL I right clicked on the "Find Computers" task, clicked on properties, select Detection(Basic) - change the dialog default choice of "Use NT LAN Manager to detect the machines" to "Use Active Directory to detect the machines".

Then I reran the task, and went to the Computer Catalog (you must refresh the screen by hitting F5 or you won't see anything) - and there are all of the computers from Active Directory. The machines do not have to be running at the time you run this task. It is gathering the info from Active Directory.

Once you have the catalog, you can go to the next task and create the install package and push it out to the clients just as it is described in the ADNM guide.

One final note. Since I was testing this on some physical machines, and some virtual machines, this may have affected this last step. Some of the XP virtual machines did not complete the install until I logged onto the machine, and then the install completed, and automatically restarted. Others, like a physical Vista machine, just restarted even though no one was logged on. Time will tell which will happen on a real physical network, but I was very pleased with the outcome in the end.


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Re: SBS 2008 Installation guide
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2009, 06:58:32 AM »
OK, we just got this one figured out.

=> Download the 64bit Sql 2005 Express.

=> Stop all of your SQL services on the SBS 2008 server.

=> Start the install by running the SQLEXPR.EXE you just downloaded.
=> Click "Run Program" on the "Program Compatibility Assistant" pop up. We will be reinstalling SP3 after we create the database, but before we restart the services.
=> Read and accept the "terms and conditions" and click NEXT.
=> Click NEXT after the support files are installed.
=> Click NEXT on the Installation Wizard screen.
     Ignore the "ASP.Net Version..." and "Edition Change Check" warning messages and click NEXT.
=> IMPORTANT! On the "Registration Information" window, UNCHECK the box next to "Hide advanced configuration options" and click NEXT.
=> Click NEXT on the "Feature Selection" window.
=> IMPORTANT! On the "Instance Name" window, make sure you select "Named Instance" and name the instance "AVAST", without the quotes, and click NEXT.
=> On the "Service Account" window, leave the radio button checked for "use the built-in System account" and clear the checkbox in the "Start services at the end of setup" section next to "SQL Server" and click NEXT. This is so the services will stay down so that you can install SP3 and not have to boot the server.
=> On the "Authentication Mode" window, select "Mixed Mode" and enter an "sa" password you can remember and click NEXT.
=> On the "Collation Settings" window, just click NEXT.
=> On the "User Instances" window, leave the box checked and click NEXT.
=> Now click NEXT on the "Ready to Install" window to install the new instance for Avast.

OK, now that you have the new Instance installed, you will need to download SQL Server 2005 SP3 from here, BEFORE YOU START ANY SERVICES.

The file you download will have the same name, SQLEXPR.EXE, as the SQL install, but it will be about 1.5MB larger.
Run the SQL Server 2005 Express SP3 file to install SP3.

After the SP3 instal is complete START ALL OF THE SQL SERVICES BACK UP.

You should now be able to start your ADNM install and point to the instance you just created and create a database in that instance using the "sa" password you specified before.

And FYI on detectionin ADNM, I seem to have to change it to AD on just about EVERY server install I do.

Good luck and let me know if you have any issues.


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Re: SBS 2008 Installation guide
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2009, 07:15:36 AM »
Hey guys, just download the 2nd file I gave above and you won't get the the SP3 message. Didn't think about it until I downlaoded the SP3 and ran it that it is the FULL install with SP3. DUH!

Oh well, sometimes things aren't as bright at 1am as you would like them to be.... mainly my thought processes... =)


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Re: SBS 2008 Installation guide
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2009, 05:43:57 PM »
I guess I got lucky the first time around. If I go into Management Studio Express, Go to Help>About - this is the readout:
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express      9.00.4035.00
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)         6.0.6001.18000 (longhorn_rtm.080118-1840)
Microsoft MSXML                  3.0 4.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer               7.0.6001.18000
Microsoft .NET Framework               2.0.50727.1434
Operating System                  6.0.6001

This lists the various version numbers:
The following table lists the Sqlservr.exe version number:
Release Sqlservr.exe
RTM 2005.90.1399
SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 1 2005.90.2047
SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 2005.90.3042
SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 2005.90.4035

The article says it is good for SQL Express as well. (I assume just look at the last 4 digits)

Offline scythe944

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Re: SBS 2008 Installation guide
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2009, 06:04:15 PM »
Sorry that I never got around to doing a comprehensive write-up, but I'd like to thank everyone that finally pitched in on getting this to work.

When I was trying to do this for the first time, it was very frustrating, and I'm sure that this thread will help others in the future.

Thanks again, and glad you guys got it working!
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Offline scythe944

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Re: SBS 2008 Installation guide
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2009, 07:56:46 PM »
I guess my next question is, will a x64 version of Sql Express come with the new version of ADNM when Avast 5 comes out so that we don't have to download it ourselves, and figure out how to configure it?
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Offline perry_iditc

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Re: SBS 2008 Installation guide
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2009, 11:00:26 PM »

I am having a hard time with Avast on a SBS 08 machine. I have followed the instructions listed here to the T, but I am having some other issues. I started a thread specifically for my problem.

Any help will be appreciated!
