Its not the removal that has me stumped. Its why it got on there. I removed it from the infected PC, but when i got a call from another user on the same system it makes me wonder whats going on. Is Avast not doing its job?
I turned these people on to avast Pro because i have had success with it in the past, but im not sure there going to be comfortable with it having proplems out of the box like this. They were using Norton 2008, but one of the desktops is acting as a server, and norton was causing it to hang and have to be rebooted 2-3 times a day. So avast was a no brainer in my mind. These people cant afford to have any systems down for a day while waiting for me to show up.[/soapbox off]
I am just looking for answers as to why Avast did not catch the malware or whatever the name of it is.
looking at the history file it looks like it started from a popup on