I Install MBAM "Enable Protection" and "Disable IP Protection" on my Windows 7 Ultimate X32.
How to turn off Ip Protection upon Windows Starting?
http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=10138&st=0&p=162100&#entry162100After restarting.
I notice MBAM Loads very slow in System Tray.
It takes mostly 1min to appear in System tray.
Avast loads Very Quick.
No issue in CPU usage. Computer runs quick! Only MBAM start-up has issue.
Im running my Windows 7 mostly a month already with 2 Protection software installed. Avast Free and Windows Defender.
I just Restore to default MBAM setting with IP enable but still it loads system tray in 1min.
I just remove MBAM as for now...
I know Windows Defender is Anti-Spyware.
Avast is Antivirus and Anti Spyware.
MBAM is Antivirus.
I think its not the protection software conflicting issues? why because MBAM and Windows Defender has different uses.
Only MBAM and Avast has the same but on my XP it has no issues running MBAM and Avast.
Anyone here has issues same as mine?
And Btw my XP system loads MBAM Pro the same settings (On Protection Module and Off IP protection) and Avast Free
Very Quickly in System Tray.
See my Sig about my computer specs.