Author Topic: Who wants a perfect antivirus?  (Read 6993 times)

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Offline Justin_22

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Who wants a perfect antivirus?
« on: March 20, 2010, 10:30:18 PM »
Who wants a perfect antivirus with 100% flawless detection rates? only downside? is it doesnt only kill virus' also kills everything else on the machine. If you do check out Bitdefender.

But in all seriousness, anyone else heard anything about this? there was a post about it on Wilders, so I went over the bitdefender forums and sure enough, the things going haywire for alot of people. This is a momumental problem for their clients.
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Offline Pondus

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Re: Who wants a perfect antivirus?
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2010, 10:38:04 PM »
If correct it may also affect Gdata and F-Secure users as they have Bitdefender virus engine ?

do you have a link to this?

Offline Justin_22

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Re: Who wants a perfect antivirus?
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2010, 10:40:02 PM »
Hello Pondus, I dont know if this is effecting Gdata and F-secure but I would believe so atleast for Gdata but heres the links
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Re: Who wants a perfect antivirus?
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2010, 11:10:11 PM »
well if any of those complaining when avast had the big FP moved over to Bitdefender.........they will be extremely happy now......

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Re: Who wants a perfect antivirus?
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2010, 11:15:39 PM »
Thats what I was thinking, Peoples comps are being "killed" here and as much as I dont want to hear that, the unhappy customers of Bitdefender could (atleast a portion) of them move over to avast!  :)
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Re: Who wants a perfect antivirus?
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2010, 09:40:52 AM »
A tongue can accuse or carry bad news;
The seeds of distrust it will sow.
So unless you have made no mistakes in your life,
Be careful of stones that you throw.
A neighbor was passing my garden one time;
She smiled and I knew right away
That it was gossip not flowers that she had on her mind,
And this is what I heard my neighbor say:

"That bad girl down the street, she should be run from our midst.
She drinks and she talks quite a lot.
She knows not to speak to my child nor to me."
My neighbor then smiled, and I thought . . .

A tongue can accuse or carry bad news;
The seeds of distrust it will sow.
So unless you have made no mistakes in your life,
Be careful of stones that you throw.

The car speeded by, the screaming of brakes
A sound that made my blood chill,
For my neighbor's one child had been pulled from the path
And saved by a girl lying still.

Her child was unhurt and my neighbor cried out,
"Oh, who is that brave girl so sweet?"
I covered the crushed, broken body and said,
"That bad girl down the street."

A tongue can accuse or carry bad news;
The seeds of distrust it will sow.
So unless you have made no mistakes in your life,
Be careful of stones that you throw.


Oh yeah,Avast! Has borked its share of systems.
Thanks to rabid updates.

It takes some balls to castigate BitDefender for their  foul up,
After all,you led the way!!

Offline mkis

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Re: Who wants a perfect antivirus?
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2010, 10:40:47 AM »
@ Faust

In your case, better upgrade your cognitive faculties as it is showing already you are from the era of 386 PCs. Make yourself useful.. Post something relevant instead of garbage.

        This goes both ways my fan-boy friend......A friend of mine the other day asked me if Avast 5 was working for me. I said no I had a lot of problems with 5 when it 1st came out. Went to their forum and just got blown off because I was mad and not a fan-boy. Basically told 5 was working fine for them so must be what is on my machine. As you know my machine is brand new win.7 64 machine with nothing on it but Photoshop. I went back to 4.8 and it is working perfectly. I still see people with problems on the forum so now I`m thinking of MSE. Why are you having problems ? Yes upgraded to 5 and it keeps freezing up and says I`m uncovered. Have you tried reloading ? Yes twice....did the clean in safe mode and everything. Have you tried the forum ? Ya right went there and lurked for a way I`m going on there and get abused by a bunch of fanboys......That is a true story my friend....yep keep up the good work Mikos...your really giving Avast a good name.....

The times that I've needed to delve into the forums for support, I've found that the people who actually work for Avast are quite professional and courteous.  It's only the fanboys that ruin this place, who for the most part alternate between giving out bad info and flame fests (as has been thoroughly demonstrated in this thread).  It would behoove Avast to rein them in, least their corporate identity get tainted.  My suggestion is that anyone who actually gains "Evangelist" status be limited to a few posts per day, with the suggestion that they find something useful to do with their life.

I'm getting a lost in the to and fro here, thats why I'm replying to Faust.

Vlk does actually rein people in, and then only if he feels the better purpose of the forum. A lot of people get helped out here. I dont understand what you mean about bad info and flame fests. A lot of the information imparted in the forum is accessed by avast, and they certainly aren't going to come on the forum taking queries 24 hours a day. You would know that if you had been here a bit longer.

Now I personally think the word fanboy should be banned in the forum. It doesn't mean anything anymore. I mean you've more or less inferred YoKenny is a fanboy.  :o  Maybe the word should be censored to so it look like this f*nb@y.

I've already  said I couldn't care less about fanboys, I actually I quite like them. The main thing is the forum is a good place for a lot of people to learn off what the evangelists know. YoKenny and some of the other guys put years into the computer industry. I've only been with the computer industry since 2006, before that I was a user of a personal computer. I'm a whole generation removed from those guys really. I began my PC learning through rich graphic interface the way nearly everyone does nowdays - 'user application layer' when on the web. I built my skills and tools around that, and the old hat stuff doesn't apply with me any more,  other than when its needed. It would be okay for old hat way if everyone spoke in maths, but they dont, they talk in words. And all that aside, it is silly to annoy those guys unless you know your stuff Faust. And you haven't got a signature either. Not even what protections you use. YoKenny counts the spec of yr ram as part of yr layered defence. That is hard school. You need at least 300 posts under yr belt before you can start knocking evangelist. when and if do, then you really have someting to crow about. But not now. You got slambo started as well. He's got a grand total of 3 posts. You got 17. He's your one of those things things I was talking about before.

Stick around anyway, get the good learn, and surprise yrself how easy it was to catch up to those old h!rd*rs@s.      
« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 10:44:47 AM by mkis »
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Re: Who wants a perfect antivirus?
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2010, 08:16:55 AM »

If you will give me the time ,I will run up a impressive number of posts by replying to ever person seeking help:

 " I have been running Avast for years,and I have
never had the problems you have!! You are either a total noob,or just do not
know how to use Avast!!"

Or the ever popular:"XP SP3 has been available since Hector was a pup,and your failure to update to it,is doubtlessly the cause of not only your erectile dysfunction,but your problems with the infallible Avast! as well!!!"

In no time I would be a "dragon",I will not say "evangelist", as the only thing I would ever be an "Evangelist" for is the Lord Jesus Christ.

Kenny may or may not be a a Fanboy,but he is a smart mouthed,arrogant punter who needs taken down a notch or two.

 Be a little more selective in picking your roll models, my boy.

By the way,my meager 3rd post still stands,un-answered,unchallenged:

"Oh yeah,Avast! Has borked its share of systems.
Thanks to rabid updates.

It takes some balls to castigate BitDefender for their  foul up,
After all,you led the way!!"
« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 08:29:09 AM by slambo »


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Re: Who wants a perfect antivirus?
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2010, 09:25:49 AM »
I see no reason to gloat over BD's current misfortune, and this doesn't only happen to AV programs. SAS had a small disaster about a year ago falsely detecting/quarantining a Vista system DLL which made a computer unbootable. Without a system disk, you were basically screwed.

I don't blame the vendors for an occasional f/p, I blame the users. An alert/detection is just that, and immediate follow up by the user is prudent and should be expected, especially on a system file. Sites like CIMA and VirusTotal make the task of ruling out f/p's easier.

Offline mkis

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Re: Who wants a perfect antivirus?
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2010, 09:42:24 AM »
looks like you missed YoKenny by a country mile and is likely why you ended up over at dragon

why not stick with avast, you dont have to run up a impressive number of post, no one else does
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Re: Who wants a perfect antivirus?
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2010, 12:33:23 PM »
@ slambo

I guess you need to learn a thing or two from Jesus Christ as well as he had a great capacity to heal people with kindness.

When you have as much experience with using PCs as I do you will be able to spread your kindness to them as well.

Offline Pondus

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Re: Who wants a perfect antivirus?
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2010, 02:43:16 PM »
Bitdefender info: False Positive on X64 systems with BitDefender 2010 and 2009


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Re: Who wants a perfect antivirus?
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2010, 05:46:08 AM »
@ slambo

I guess you need to learn a thing or two from Jesus Christ as well as he had a great capacity to heal people with kindness.

When you have as much experience with using PCs as I do you will be able to spread your kindness to them as well.

I don't see the kindness in your posts,mostly condescension and sarcasm.
Maybe that comes from the rarefied ground you inhabit.

As far as experience,Neville Chamberlain was an accomplished and
experienced diplomat.
He made a disastrous bad call or two,but he was experienced.

As to my future growth,"So moot it be".

Offline Justin_22

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Re: Who wants a perfect antivirus?
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2010, 06:12:22 AM »
see no reason to gloat over BD's current misfortune

Hello Jahn, I didnt mean for it to sound like I was gloating over it, because im not. I know it sounds like I am but i'm really not. Its unfortunate that it happened and I infact happen to think that BD is a great antivirus (used a trial of it before) but my fav. still and will as far as I can see remain avast.
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Re: Who wants a perfect antivirus?
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2010, 06:16:48 PM »
This reminds me of people who enter tournaments and think that
they can win by wishing that their opponent fails.

To win at anything in life you need to be good at what you do.
You also need to accept the fact that no one is perfect including yourself.

That same scenario holds true for businesses.

(Do any of you really believe that Alice and I made it through 50 years of marriage because
both of us are perfect or,
because we have both learned to accept each others and our own faults and,
have learned that without forgiveness, there is no long lasting relationship or in this case, success.)
« Last Edit: March 23, 2010, 06:19:37 PM by bob3160 »
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