Author Topic: Need Help with Avast! Firewall - Very Stressed!  (Read 15233 times)

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Re: Need Help with Avast! Firewall - Very Stressed!
« Reply #15 on: December 25, 2010, 01:03:37 PM »
when DHCP is messing on Windows, changing the IP to one expected by the router (192.etc...) doesn't change anything. You still won't be able to connect ;D


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Re: Need Help with Avast! Firewall - Very Stressed!
« Reply #16 on: December 25, 2010, 01:34:09 PM »
when DHCP is messing on Windows, changing the IP to one expected by the router (192.etc...) doesn't change anything. You still won't be able to connect ;D
Thanks for your reply and it is very true. However, I was simply trying to go back to default settings to eliminate any problems.

The Laptops A, B and C worked perfectly, even when I installed AIS on them. After a while Laptop A couldn't access any computers on the network. However, it could be and still can be accessed by other computers on the network.

I could still go on the internet and surf. I am writing this post from this laptop.

Then Laptop B created the same problem and then Laptop C. These three laptops cannot access any other computers on the network, but they could be accessed by others.

From these laptops, I could ping by IP and by name and I get response. Microsoft Fix-It doesn't show any errors.

Best regards,

« Last Edit: December 25, 2010, 01:37:19 PM by aladdin »


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Re: Need Help with Avast! Firewall - Very Stressed!
« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2010, 11:23:50 AM »
1. What other security software, including antivirus, trial security software (pre-installed), other security software (on-demand or resident) do you currently have or had in the past on these machines (A, B, C)?
Dear SafeSurf,

I believe I have replied to all your queries. Waiting for your further response!

I have scanned the Computer A by MBAM too, and if you want I can post the results for it too!

Best regards,



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Re: Need Help with Avast! Firewall - Very Stressed!
« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2010, 11:25:33 AM »
On Laptop B, I have removed the AIS and turned on the Widows Firewall and on Laptop C, I have still left the AIS. Both these machines were bought about 18 months ago and had Avast! Free and Windows Firewall on them. No other AV or Firewall installed on them until last month, when I installed AIS on them.
When you installed AIS on all 3 machines, did all 3 machines also have Avast Free on them prior to this and you upgraded from Free to AIS or did you do a clean install?

Did this problem happen after upgrading or installing AIS?

Laptop B's MBAM is clean (for now), but because you are on a network, all machines should be checked.

Have you tried an Avast Repair (only the machines that have Avast on them):
- Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > Avast Antivirus.
- Scroll down and choose Repair function in the pop-up window.
- Reboot.

Depending on if you upgraded or did a clean install and if the Repair works/fails, you may need to do a clean install of AIS:

1. Save a copy of newest version of Avast (5.0.677) and save it to your HDD:
2. Download the Avast Uninstall Utility, aswClear5.exe and save it to your HDD.
3. Disconnect from the Internet at this time.
4. Go to Control Panel and uninstall Avast through Add/Remove Programs if possible and reboot.
5. If Step 4 fails, boot into Safe Mode (hit F8 repeatedly) and run the Avast Uninstall Tool.  Uninstall ALL previous products of Avast on your machine at this time (Avast 5.0, AIS, etc.).
6. Reboot.
7. Install the newest version of Avast and reboot.
8. Get Internet access and register your license key for AIS.
9. Update the Avast definitions.

If problems, check to make sure AIS firewall allows avastSvc.exe internet access.
- If it does, delete the entry for it and reconnect to the Internet.  This should force the firewall to ask permission again.

If you continue to have problems, this does not look like an Avast issue, but something more we will have to explore.  Let us know how this goes.  Thank you.


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Re: Need Help with Avast! Firewall - Very Stressed!
« Reply #19 on: December 26, 2010, 11:42:28 AM »
When you installed AIS on all 3 machines, did all 3 machines also have Avast Free on them prior to this and you upgraded from Free to AIS or did you do a clean install?]
On Laptop A it was clean install of AIS, after reformatting. On Laptops B and C I upgraded from Avast! Free and Windows Firewall to AIS. But first I removed the Avast! Free in Safe Mode with their cleaning utility.

Did this problem happen after upgrading or installing AIS?
Yes, on all three laptops within one month of install.

Laptop B's MBAM is clean (for now), but because you are on a network, all machines should be checked.
I will do that, but I don't think I will find any. Question:

Do I need to install Antivirus:
1. On Buffalo NAS Server?
2. IOmega ScreenPlay Director x3?

Have you tried an Avast Repair (only the machines that have Avast on them):
- Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > Avast Antivirus.
- Scroll down and choose Repair function in the pop-up window.
- Reboot.

Depending on if you upgraded or did a clean install and if the Repair works/fails, you may need to do a clean install of AIS:

1. Save a copy of newest version of Avast (5.0.677) and save it to your HDD:
2. Download the Avast Uninstall Utility, aswClear5.exe and save it to your HDD.
3. Disconnect from the Internet at this time.
4. Go to Control Panel and uninstall Avast through Add/Remove Programs if possible and reboot.
5. If Step 4 fails, boot into Safe Mode (hit F8 repeatedly) and run the Avast Uninstall Tool.  Uninstall ALL previous products of Avast on your machine at this time (Avast 5.0, AIS, etc.).
6. Reboot.
7. Install the newest version of Avast and reboot.
8. Get Internet access and register your license key for AIS.
9. Update the Avast definitions.

If problems, check to make sure AIS firewall allows avastSvc.exe internet access.
- If it does, delete the entry for it and reconnect to the Internet.  This should force the firewall to ask permission again.
I will try the above.

If you continue to have problems, this does not look like an Avast issue, but something more we will have to explore.  Let us know how this goes.  Thank you.
If this continue, I guess I will open a ticket with support and upload the firewall log to them. I hate to format again and again all these computers.

Kind regards,



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Re: Need Help with Avast! Firewall - Very Stressed!
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2010, 11:59:37 AM »
Here is what the log shows on Laptop A until December 12, when suddenly I couldn't access other computers on the network:

Block Devices on Network (Remote IP Addresses - Other Laptops,Desktops, Routers, ....) Remote Port (Many) Local Address (239:255:255:250) Local Port (1900)


How do I save this log before uninstalling the AIS?

Best regards,



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Re: Need Help with Avast! Firewall - Very Stressed!
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2010, 12:09:34 PM »
1. Before you uninstall anything, for those machines that still have AIS on them, please run a mini-dump file:

Here is additional information on how to invoke a memory dump file:

Please, zip and upload the C:\Windows\Memory.dmp file to this anonymous ftp server and name it uniquely (machine #A and your name):  Avast will analyze it and respond back to you in this thread or to your email.  There may be a slight delay because of the holiday.

2. After doing the dump file, try the Avast Repair first before doing any uninstall.  If you did a clean install initially, you should not have to do another clean install.  A repair might help, but only after doing the dump file.

3. Run MABM on the other machines and if clean just report machine A and C came back clean with MBAM.  Otherwise, cut and paste the report.

4. Do you have any kind of AV on Laptop B now?

5. Don't open a support ticket as long as you are doing a mini-dump file.  This will be quicker.  Let me know when you do it and I will alert Avast to help matters.


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Re: Need Help with Avast! Firewall - Very Stressed!
« Reply #22 on: December 27, 2010, 09:23:15 AM »
1. Before you uninstall anything, for those machines that still have AIS on them, please run a mini-dump file:

Here is additional information on how to invoke a memory dump file:

Please, zip and upload the C:\Windows\Memory.dmp file to this anonymous ftp server and name it uniquely (machine #A and your name):  Avast will analyze it and respond back to you in this thread or to your email.  There may be a slight delay because of the holiday.

2. After doing the dump file, try the Avast Repair first before doing any uninstall.  If you did a clean install initially, you should not have to do another clean install.  A repair might help, but only after doing the dump file.

3. Run MABM on the other machines and if clean just report machine A and C came back clean with MBAM.  Otherwise, cut and paste the report.
Dear SafeSurf,

Once again thank you taking the time out and helping me. How is the weather in your area? We see on the news that in some parts of USA it is very bad.

Last night I stayed up very late and ran MBAM on all machines. Once finished I kept that machine off, until I ran MBAM on each and every machine and shutting them off. Once all the machines were tested for viruses than I turned them back on again. Didn't find anything.

On Laptop A, I had earlier removed the firewall portion from AIS and then re-installed it. On machine B, I had uninstalled AIS. On Laptop C, I still have the AIS installed.

I took the memory dump on Laptop C and it about 2gb. After running 7 zip on it, now it is down to about 450mb. With my ADSL speed it will take about a whole day to upload it, so I don't know what to do?

My ADSL has download speed of 512mb and about 1/10 of that is the upload speed.

4. Do you have any kind of AV on Laptop B now?

5. Don't open a support ticket as long as you are doing a mini-dump file.  This will be quicker.  Let me know when you do it and I will alert Avast to help matters.
On Laptop B, when I uninstalled AIS, right then I installed Avast! PRO in trail mode. I will not open a ticked and wait for your further advise and response.

Kind regards,



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Re: Need Help with Avast! Firewall - Very Stressed!
« Reply #23 on: December 27, 2010, 10:55:58 AM »
Regarding the size of your dump files, since they are so large, can you break them down into smaller sizes?  Perhaps Laptop A, and Laptop B and C?  Or do all 3 separately?  I hate to make more work for you.  If this is too inconvenient for you, them by all means, feel free to open a ticket.  By doing the dump file, Avast can analyze everything, then report back what the problem is.  By opening a ticket, you are starting over from the beginning, however you can mention the link to this thread to help.  Please let me know what you would like to do.  Thank you.


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Re: Need Help with Avast! Firewall - Very Stressed!
« Reply #24 on: December 27, 2010, 11:02:44 AM »
Regarding the size of your dump files, since they are so large, can you break them down into smaller sizes?  Perhaps Laptop A, and Laptop B and C?  Or do all 3 separately?  I hate to make more work for you.  If this is too inconvenient for you, them by all means, feel free to open a ticket.  By doing the dump file, Avast can analyze everything, then report back what the problem is.  By opening a ticket, you are starting over from the beginning, however you can mention the link to this thread to help.  Please let me know what you would like to do.  Thank you.
Thanks for the reply. The dump for only Laptop C is about 450mb and I haven't created the dump files for Laptops A and B. I think I will open a ticket and give the link to this thread and ask them if the log files be sufficient. Or, at the most, only the dump file of Laptop C.

Many thanks and kind regards,


P.S. I will keep you posted and your kindness is much appreciated!
« Last Edit: December 27, 2010, 11:11:00 AM by aladdin »


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Re: Need Help with Avast! Firewall - Very Stressed!
« Reply #25 on: December 27, 2010, 11:20:35 AM »
You're most welcome.  If you do the dump file, let me know and I will contact Avast for you to alert them as well.


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Re: Need Help with Avast! Firewall - Very Stressed!
« Reply #26 on: December 27, 2010, 11:23:33 AM »
You're most welcome.  If you do the dump file, let me know and I will contact Avast for you to alert them as well.
I have opened a support ticked and most probably I will try to upload the memory dump file during night. I will keep you posted.

Kind regards,



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Re: Need Help with Avast! Firewall - Very Stressed!
« Reply #27 on: December 27, 2010, 01:29:34 PM »
I have now completed the last three steps remaining from my side:

1. Remove all Access Points and only have the ADSL connected.

2. Reset the router to the factory default.

3. Assign the IP addresses automatically by DCHP instead of static IP addresses.

I have now tried everything that I can think of. It just boggles the mind!

Kind regards,



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Re: Need Help with Avast! Firewall - Very Stressed!
« Reply #28 on: December 29, 2010, 04:08:49 PM »
Got a response from support to uninstall the stable version with the Avast! Removal Utility and install the beta version. Tried, but still the problem persists. So wrote back to support asking for help!

Best regards,



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Re: Need Help with Avast! Firewall - Very Stressed!
« Reply #29 on: December 29, 2010, 04:16:57 PM »
Hi aladdin.
If the problem still persists with the beta version, i recommend you to create a topic and specify the problem so Avast! team can solve the issue.

Create your topic here: