suddenly my gmail account inside WLM (windows live mail)wont connect to server, and will not send out emails anymore.
the first error:"cannot connect to IMAP server (my routers IP address), error 10061...configuration IMAP...Port 143...code 800ccc0f...etc)
after rebuilding the account, i got error: "An unknown error has occurred.Subject 'weeee'. Server Error: 421.Server Response: 421 Cannot connect to SMTP server (, connect error 10060. Server: ''.Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC67. Protocol: SMTP. Port: 25. Secure(SSL): No."
+other errors also....
problem is ONLY from the wireless laptop. i have a 2wire Gateway 2701 modem/router wired to a desktop. on the desktop all works perfectly. all email, firewall, avast, settings were identical on both machines. originally avast, smtp #465, imap #993. WLM, smtp #25, imap #143.
the only combination to get it to work now is avast, smtp #465, imap #993. In WLM, smtp #587, imap #143.
why did i have to change to smtp #587 in WLM all of a sudden?