Something very interesting happened here after taking the PC flank test with SPF on my machine. Stated that I was not stealthed on Tcp ping, Tcp null, Tcp fin, Tcp Xmas,and
UDP. I also had a total of 13 ports that were open. All this with the setting in SPF set to "normal". Well, I tried the WinXP built in Firewall next with the same test. This time I WAS stealthed, on the ping, null, fin, xmas, and UDP ports. Also the other 13 ports showed not to be open. Ran a special port scan with SPF and port 5000 showed to be open. Tried it with the XP firewall and port 5000 was closed. So, I uninstalled SPF, downloaded Outpost 1.0 free version which I had been using. Took the PC Flank test and it showed the same as the Win XP test result wise except that port 5000 still showed open.
I am now using BOTH WinXp built in firewall, and also Outpost 1.0 free version with no conflicts at all between them. Outpost blocks all outgoing requests, WinsXp firewall is blocking port 5000 also so I believe I am getting the best of two programs. So far so good, no conflicts etc. Just thought I would pass this information on if it already hasn't been discussed about these two firewalls that apparently co-exist with each other on my WinXp Home System with SP1.