Author Topic: [6.0.1000] French translation keep the word WebRep [Plug-in pas installé].  (Read 1703 times)

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Hi, ...

[6.0.1000] French installation of Avast IS = French translation keep the word WebRep [Plug-in pas installé].

But if i select the French translation, if always keep = WebRep [Plug-in pas installé].
But if i select the English translation, WebRep [Plug-in installed], WebRep [Plug-in not installed].

P.S. After downloading English translation, inside a French install of Avast 6.0.100 IS, the English translation display the word ebRep [Plug-in installed], WebRep [Plug-in not installed].

In clear = it must be a problem with translation, ...
« Last Edit: March 16, 2011, 08:07:11 AM by sst »