Is it a good idea to use an Anti trojan monitor even if you do not use P2p?
Well, the risk of getting infected is reduced offcourse. But not compleet gone.
A lot of worms & trojans are spreading on e-mail users also.
E-mail providers like outlook are vurnable to alot of exploits.
And most "online mail" >hotmail etc...are already scanned automaticly with antivirus software. But this doesn't mean ALL the trojans are detected also.
So, the desiccion is yours. And a lot depend on your behavior.
Avast4 (and most recent scanners) detect
alot of trojans, but sometimes they do slip trough the maze. And when this happens you will be glad if you have a "second defence".
The changes are small, this happens (if your a careful user) but never say never !!
It happened to me, and with a few other forum members also.