Author Topic: Possible VBscript error  (Read 18109 times)

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Possible VBscript error
« on: September 20, 2011, 07:50:06 PM »
I sometimes use Zeta producer (web design) and going back to it I have an issue

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8} failed due to the following error: 8007007e.

Searching online points to AV's products as something to check
Regedit shows the CLSID Inprocserver32 with C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\AhAScr.dll as default
With vbscript.dll as default engine
ThreadingModel - Both

Obviously I have asked at Zeta, but thought I'd post it here just in case
Kaspersky & McAfee are known culprits


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Re: Possible VBscript error
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2011, 11:02:06 PM »
To continue  :D
I had re-installed Avast on the 31/8 having waited for the new version to solve issues.
Did the installation of the latest Avast cause a problem?

The suggestions for this type of error is to delete the CLSID then run regsvr32 on the vbscript.dll
However the deletion of the CLSID will delete the Avast .dll
Will I then be in a loop.


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Re: Possible VBscript error
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2011, 07:34:38 PM »
The CLSID mentioned is in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
Uninstalling Avast does not remove the 1st Inprocserver32 with C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\AhAScr.dll  - default

What is AhAScr.dll please
It may be that my other app is somehow 'reading' this but of course will fail

I have BSOD again


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Re: Possible VBscript error
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2011, 11:34:40 PM »
You might want to backup your license file and then:

1_ Uninstall Avast.
2_ Boot into Windows Safe mode.
3_ Run Avast removal utility ( selecting the CORRECT folder and version of Avast.
4_ REPEAT #2 and #3 for EACH version of Avast you ever had (and please don't skip #2 for each run).
5_ Boot into Windows Normal Mode to install Avast anew.
6_ Add your license key.

The reason I suggest this is because you probably have some remnants. By "really" getting rid of the important remnants, the troubleshooting might be easier (or it might even solve the problem).

The reason I think you have (conflicting) remnants is the current path of Avast. If you "really" clean *all* older versions of Avast, then when you perform the latest reinstall, the path you described should be gone too (and maybe also the problem :) ).


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Re: Possible VBscript error
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2011, 11:41:04 PM »
I solved all my BSOD problems with Vista by getting Windows 7 :)


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Re: Possible VBscript error
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2011, 10:13:03 AM »
I have found that step 1 removes folder, so step 3 has no folder to find.

Could someone with Vista 32 bit please have a look at
And tell me what the default value data is please

« Last Edit: September 24, 2011, 10:26:58 AM by DavidCo »


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Re: Possible VBscript error
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2011, 11:41:13 AM »
I have found that step 1 removes folder, so step 3 has no folder to find.
Exactly my point. You need to run the removal tool for each version of Avast you ever had, so not only all the FOLDERS are deleted, but the registry keys and any other relevant setting. If you do it (the full cleaning and the correct install ANEW, from a new downloaded setup.exe) correctly, the path you posted before should be really gone (Avast 6 clean install will use a different path than that you posted).

BTW, there might be some key with "avast" in it. That doesn't necessarily mean that Avast left there something. Some of them are controlled by Windows, not Avast.

Please follow the complete procedure I suggested. If indeed there is no folder, select the correct Avast version and run it anyway (one for Avast 6.x, reboot into Safe Mode again, and one for Avast 5.x ).

Could someone with Vista 32 bit please have a look at
And tell me what the default value data is please

Default value? None. Or am I missing something here?


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Re: Possible VBscript error
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2011, 01:04:00 PM »
I have 1st line CLSID Inprocserver32 with default C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\AhAScr.dll
2nd line has default engine c\windows\system32\vbscript.dll
I do not have this CLSID anywhere else. I should do I know.
I will run awsclear


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Re: Possible VBscript error
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2011, 01:35:31 PM »
Let me try to put this into context
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT is a merge of other registry hives.
So when I get an error message from an app' that complains that it cannot find something - vis
I go and search the registry and the only one I can find is :-
It means that I am missing a reg entry
eg: HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}
The 'ROOT' entry gives Avast as default
I do not know what the missing entry should be
The other app' forum points to things like Kaspersky and 'KAV' has a registry merge to provide a fix


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Re: Possible VBscript error
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2011, 07:09:50 PM »

I understood what you meant with that registry hive/key.

I apologise if the following paragraphs sound "too basic" to you in particular. My intention is to be clear and thorough, even for other potential readers.

What is not so clear to me is why to bother with this registry hive. If you could run from Safe mode aswclear.exe once for Avast 6, reboot into Safe mode again and run it again selecting Avast 5 this time, all relevant traces should be gone.

Now, there are several items to consider.

1_ Use aswclear.exe from Windows Safe Mode, always. I know that the original instructions say "safe mode as a second optional, if normal mode fails". IMNSHO, the "wording" used is not accurate, to say the least. The only reason NOT to run aswclear under Windows Safe Mode should be if the user doesn't know how to boot into it (and I would question even *that* reason). In any case, whenever possible, aswclear should be ran under Safe Mode.

2_ Select the correct version of Avast in aswclear. The removal tool not only takes care of folders, but most specially about other remnant "objects".

3_ Whenever possible, select the correct folder where the correct version of Avast was originally installed. Avast 6, when *updated* from Avast 5, would use the path you mentioned (the one of Avast 5). When "cleaned" installed or updated from a previous Avast 6 (not 5 ), the path is not the same as you mentioned.

4_ You should reboot into Safe Mode between each run of aswclear. In theory, Windows under Safe Mode shouldn't care, and "all should be fine anyway". We know how theories coming from the Windows world are not always *that* correct in practice, and I don't really need to get into specifics. So, please reboot anew into Safe Mode between each run of aswclear.

Here is the bottom line: you are troubleshooting. Do as much as you can to avoid some "strange" problem (hence, the PITA reboots). If you follow the "rules", it *should* clean up any remnants.

Now, there is one additional trick, but ONLY if the above suggestions don't result in a successfull "Avast remnants are gone" status. You could follow the same instructions, but skipping the "Add/Remove programs" step. This means intentionally leaving the program folder and registry hives, so to clean them with the removal tool.

This is a "last resort", and only when the "normal instructions" (including both "add/Remove programs" and aswclear.exe) have been already tried and the results are not the expected ones.

Following the correct procedures, the path you mentioned should not exist anymore, "anywhere". This is not exactly true, since the path may be somewhere, in some shortcut / link / registry hive. But the important thing is that any such remnant should be controlled only by Windows (or the user), and not by Avast. This means that Avast can be "clean" reinstalled in the new current location / path of Avast 6 (different from the one you posted), and "it should work".

In such (successful) case, the registry hive you mentioned should not matter anymore. In case it does, it could be corrected by some registry cleaner like CCleaner (but I don't usually recommend running any cleaner in "massive mode", but cleaning specific group of hives/keys with it).

Please report back when you finish with aswclear and a new download and installation of Avast setup (try to avoid previously downloaded installers).


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Re: Possible VBscript error
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2011, 12:25:41 AM »
Hi ady4um
I should have mentioned in my previous post that I have run awsclear in safe mode just like everyone says.
It does not remove the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT CLSID
But, if you think about it, why should it.
Avast did not create that entry anyway. It is 'compiled' by Windows.

I suppose what I might have to do is - Install V5 to create the original reg entries. Find the one that I need (the one that was copied to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) and export it as a .reg
Uninstall etc, delete HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT CLSID
Re-install Avast V6 and then merge the exported .reg

Ho b****y hum


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Re: Possible VBscript error
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2011, 10:48:35 AM »
Avast did not create that entry anyway. It is 'compiled' by Windows.
So why your Avast program should care? This is another tip showing you that the problem is simpler than it looks.
I suppose what I might have to do is - Install V5 to create the original reg entries. Find the one that I need (the one that was copied to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) and export it as a .reg
Uninstall etc, delete HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT CLSID
Re-install Avast V6 and then merge the exported .reg

I respectfully disagree. Whatever is calling to that hive, it shouldn't. If you want to install Avast 5, do it. Then reboot. After that, simply update to the latest version of Avast and reboot again.

The only (non)-issue would be that the path for your new Avast 6 would be the one still in Avast 5. This is only relevant if the path was unknown to you. So, not an issue.

After that, the problem should be gone. No registry backup needed.


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Re: Possible VBscript error
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2011, 01:56:42 PM »
This has turned into one of those threads where the 1st post gets forgotten.

I sometimes use Zeta producer (web design) and going back to it I have an issue

I am unable to use my Zeta Producer. It looks for CLSID {B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8} but fails to find the file it needs.

Sometimes an anti virus tool erroneously removes the bindings.

I am trying to recreate the links for Zeta and am working from 'both ends'
I could get 20 Avast AV Pro licenses for 1 Zeta


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Re: Possible VBscript error
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2011, 04:56:40 PM »
This has turned into one of those threads where the 1st post gets forgotten.

I sometimes use Zeta producer (web design) and going back to it I have an issue

I am unable to use my Zeta Producer. It looks for CLSID {B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8} but fails to find the file it needs.

Sometimes an anti virus tool erroneously removes the bindings.

I am trying to recreate the links for Zeta and am working from 'both ends'
I could get 20 Avast AV Pro licenses for 1 Zeta


What you just posted doesn't contradict in any way what I posted, and what I posted doesn't contradict what you posted either.

By cleaning first, and then installing Avast 5 before Avast 6, anything that is supposed to be there, should be there. I'm just saying that you shouldn't need to "play around" with any backup of any registry hives.

If, after all the cleaning and reinstalling, something about registry keys still fails, I can only say that CCleaner (or similar alternative tools) might help you find what exactly is REALLY still looking for an "old" registry key.

As an example: Any setup.exe (of most installable tools) will leave dead registry keys after an UNinstallation. They are usually found with registry cleaners (but, as said, I don't run "massive automatic registry cleaning" jobs, and I don't recommend them). This doesn't mean that there is something "critically" wrong.

If, for any reason, the problem persists, the solution is only on the hands of the specific user. General example: if I manually create a shortcut to AvastUI.exe, and after that I uninstall Avast, I shouldn't be surprised that the shortcut doesn't work. The same goes for manual configurations of any other tool.

So, again, clean and reinstall Avast 5 and then update to Avast 6 from the main GUI of Avast (with all the reboots and all the steps already detailed).

Please report back.


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Re: Possible VBscript error
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2011, 07:04:06 PM »
Basically I do not disagree with your suggestions.
I already use JV16 Power tools for clean up.