Author Topic: thunderbird email protection performance degradation  (Read 9564 times)

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Re:thunderbird email protection performance degradation
« Reply #15 on: December 09, 2004, 07:25:04 PM »
I did the repair, rebooted, still no avast icon in the system tray

Only one option then, uninstall avast>restart your pc>re-install avast>restart your pc again.

The icon should then be back.



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Re:thunderbird email protection performance degradation
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2004, 01:04:11 AM »
Lee / all:

Guess I must have had a "bad" install.  As you suggested, I uninstalled and reinstalled and it's now a whole new interface, with the icon in the system tray, etc.....  Before, it seemed to be a mixed up interface, with some inconsistencies of the old and new release, now it's ok...

And, with the good install and the Tbird upgrade, there is now no performance problem...

EDIT:  well the above resolution was last night after the reinstall/reboot, but today with normal startup, the systray icons are not present, and the performance slowdown is back.  Rather perplexing, and I am back to  strongly considering backing out the upgrade, unless someone can advise me as to what the underlying problem might be and how to easily fix it....?   :-\
« Last Edit: December 10, 2004, 05:04:25 PM by keywester »


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Re:thunderbird email protection performance degradation
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2004, 01:27:43 AM »
Farewell Avasters, I gave up and rather than back out the upgrade (I had made several other installs and upgrades since then...) I decided to just uninstall and go with another antivirus alltogether (I did not feel it wise to forever stay with an old version of an AV...).

As indicated in the "edit" in the prior post, after the reinstall things looked good, but I think that maybe after the reinstall, the auto update was "on" and it must have updated something that caused it to regress to the problems outlined in the above posts.  I would have liked to resolve the problems, but just did not have the time to experiment with possible solutions.  Maybe someday I will be back, but for now it's ANTIVIR.

An interesting parting note.  I downloaded the AVAST uninstall module, followed the procedures, and after my PC was supposedly clean of AVAST, my firewall caught AVAST trying to "phone home"!!!

Hope you all have better luck than I did with 4.5, and meanwhile fare well....maybe I'll be back some day...
« Last Edit: December 14, 2004, 01:29:54 AM by keywester »

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Re:thunderbird email protection performance degradation
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2004, 09:38:11 AM »
An interesting parting note.  I downloaded the AVAST uninstall module, followed the procedures, and after my PC was supposedly clean of AVAST, my firewall caught AVAST trying to "phone home"!!!

What exactly was calling where?


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Re:thunderbird email protection performance degradation
« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2004, 05:03:29 PM »

all that i can clearly recall at this point is that it was avast attempting an outgoing internet access - i was not real concerned about it at the time and did not really take note as to the exact site it was going after, seems like it was an address, but again, i've slept since then

the point of interest was that it occurred after the reboot after the complete de-install (using the downloaded avast utility to uninstall), so maybe it was trying one last "phone home" to indicate the unintstall?  i could remove the firewall block to see if it is still lurking, but if i do that i am not certain i would be informed of a subsequent attempt...

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Re:thunderbird email protection performance degradation
« Reply #20 on: December 14, 2004, 05:10:29 PM »
When avast! is uninstalled, it should be completely removed - nothing should be left there (after restart).
So, if there really was any connection attempt, then either the uninstallation process must have failed badly (and avast! was checking for some updates, for example), or it wasn't really avast! that was connecting out.


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Re:thunderbird email protection performance degradation
« Reply #21 on: December 14, 2004, 05:50:46 PM »

i checked the firewall blocks and it was something like the "avast email scanner service", the 'ashMai' module for sure, that was blocked from outgoing access after the uninstall and reboot

this is the same critter that was apparently giving me such a hard time attempting to turn it off and of course working with emails was where i encountered the performance degradation, so it would seem that this module was problematic, on my machine anyway...

i just removed the firewall block to see if it might perchance still be around trying to do something, and will post back if it does...  (fyi, "avast setup" is still in the firewall rules as unblocked...)