I work at a computer store as a tech and a customer brought her pc in and I installed avast on it, because I was sure it had viruses on it. (BTW, she had up to date mcafee virus scan on there) Avast caught a trojan during boot scan, but also during this bootscan I got the following message.
File C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\AOL Communicator\pcache\91101734032a03512 Error 0xC0000022
Now this 9111xxxxx number is random, there are tons of these messages that scroll the screen, but the 911xxxxxnumber is usually different for each error, but seems to be all related to that AOL Communicator JUNK!
Just curious as what this error code is? Any help? Looks similar to a windows error code when memory is accessed incorrectly.
EDIT: Oh yeah, this pc XP home with SP2