Welcome to forums gavindyer !!!
You just found greatest antivirus made by greatest bunch of people, Alwil software. Also, you have found best bunch of people, forum members, avast! users, but most important, we all are great friends !
So, I am very happy (I'm pretty sure, everyone else too), that we've got member like you. So polite and calm, for sure there is enough room for you in here... everyone is welcome ! Don't hesitate to ask for help as well to help others if you can...
I hope you enjoy extra skins offered in avast! download section, as well as all other features avast! is offering us. If you hate skins, that's OK too, hehe
We have skinless feture, so you can run your antivirus completely "naked" if you prefer that way
Have a nice day and again - WELCOME TO THE GREATEST FORUMS IN THE WORLD !!!