This may have already been covered here, but due to short time frame, just pointing out that issue that many users have when their subscription (paid or free) is coming to an end, they get many reminder pop-ups issued per day; and it gets to be annoying for some of them. Basic problem is the frequency of the pop-ups and the color of the box. With some users, red is the equal of rage or anger, and this may set some of them off. We always have numerous posts about these persistent expiry pop-ups, many in any given month, and using a red dialog box cannot help here; the annoyance could come in when one realises the pop-up is not a threat or danger (red) but only a notification box. Some of these posts say the OP will remove Avast! solely because of this issue.
Blue would be a better color.
Apologies for not looking thru this thread before posting, but short of time for now.