:'( Unfortunately we have not been able to get their attention too. At least know we know the have "logged this as a bug" in their system and will contact us back in several week not too promising.
Anyway we are constantly testing new possible solutions for this - things are really complicated by the fact that Zone Alarm behaves so unpredictably.
In your situation I wonder if it couldn't be something else - as Zone Alarm Basic does not really has the Cookie blocking feature (I did re-check that ). You can perhaps send me your hijackthis log by email, perhaps we'll find some other (possibly) offending piece of software.
Ok, I ran the scan and sent the HijackThis log off early this morning -- thanks, DavidR, for the handy site referrals.
Before running HJT, I emptied I.E.'s browser cache, did error checking and defragged the hard drive, then updated and ran scans of Ad-Aware and Spybot. They didn't find anything outside of some tracking cookies (I didn't get many of those, even, before all these login problems started happening and I had to reset I.E. security/privacy settings to Medium (Default)).
I noticed today I am able to stay logged in to Avast forums, but my online email (Yahoo, Mochamail.com) and
Where's George? logins aren't working again, except when I disable Avast. Did I understand correctly that Sygate firewall causes Avast's webshield to crash? I'm considering changing firewall to something else, but as I've been with Avast & ZA for almost two years now I'm hesitant to have to start all over learning another program features & interface (not to mention the many newbie friends who have the same setup and barely know how to use their computers, much less manage security issues).
Thanks for your persistence in addressing this problem. I find it interesting that Micro$oft recognizes Avast (SP2's Windows Security Center); but Zone Labs does not.