My XP desktop takes about 8-12 seconds to boot and usually 2-4 seconds for avast! 8 to load into the taskbar. Specs:
HP Compaq: Windows XP Professional SP3 32-bit / Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.80GHz / 3.25GB RAM / NVIDIA GeForce 8400GS 512MB DDR3
I also have 128gb internal storage on this computer if that helps.
128GB of internal storage sounds like you're using a SSD in which case the boot up times will be incomparably faster than somebody, for example, using an IDE 5400rpm HDD like I do
I'm using a Dell Inspiron 2.66GHz, WinXP SP3, 32MB dedicated GPU and a minimum of 1GB RAM.
Cold booting to the login page takes 45 secs but from login to desktop and the task bar Avast icon to appear depends how long I've left it on the login screen. Why? Simply because all the stuff that runs at start up I've found is best allowed to do its thing before login.
BTW I've pared the programs running at start up to an absolute minimum already so if you haven't done it yourself then that could speed up the desktop loading very noticeably.
Once logged in the Avast icon appears after about 60 secs on my machine but here's the thing, if I'm connected to the internet it takes considerably longer. Why? The automatic Avast definitions udate will start to download/install as soon as the desktop starts up. This takes, I'd guess, half the resources available and slows the desktop loading down by that amount ie. extending the time taken to 90 - 120 secs. It is pointless trying to use the laptop whilst this is going on as any program you try to run will simply be queued until the desktop is fully loaded.
Because of this whenever I do a cold boot I turn off the internet connection beforehand and allow the desktop to start loading before turning on the internet. My ISP connection takes 45 seconds to re-establish itself by which time the desktop has loaded and then any new Avast update will install faster too.
If you have automatic Windows updates enabled then you have a triple whammy on your system's resources at start up and I recommend turning it off and installing Windows updates manually at a more convenient time. Any other automatic updates (like Adobe Reader and Flash) I do the same with too.
The only reason I haven't turned Avast's automatic updating off so that is doesn't run at start up is because it still nags you from the task bar icon to do the update and turn on automatic updates anyway.