Fail to understand why only File System Shield is installed, is there a specific reason for that? As that is one area these two systems differ.
Because that's all I need. I don't need superfluous, marketing gimmicks (though in this case since it's free, it's not that obvious). File System Shield is the only one needed to keep you clean.
So, the expectation that FSS will do the same thing as WS is maybe not realistic? FSS has to do with the actual files when opened and blocks malicious code inside or manual scan
I'm sorry but this is totally wrong. FSS has a thing called "scan when writing", which states: "the following settings determine files that should be scanned at the moment they are created or modified".. maybe you should check out the settings more closely and learn what everything does.
See the attached image, it's from WinXP running Avast 8.0.1497 and trying to download the file with Firefox, notice the texts what it says: "file system shield ... threat was detected and blocked when the file was created or modified".. this is what should happen with Avast 2014.9.0.2018 on Win8.1(.1) with Firefox, but the file system shield is totally silent (with IE it works). And to make things worse, the
default "on" option of "Optimize scanning during file copy option" allowed the (fake)virus to be copied everywhere in the system without Avast making a single peep.
There's something wrong with the new Avast. Creating a new malware file to the system through Firefox yields NO warning whatsoever, and subsequently Avast allows copying (=making new files) of that file everywhere in the system IF "Optimize scanning during file copy option" setting is on. With IE, Avast blocks the malware download (=creating a new file). Something is not right with Avast.
P.S. You might want to google about the WOT you're using and advertizing. It's not working properly, the system can be manipulated and can't be trusted, it gives a false sense of security. Just as a side note & a tip, let's not get into conversation about it in this topic.