Author Topic: Stolen Tablet: How easy is it to just Reformat/wipe tablet and disable AVAST AT?  (Read 1319 times)

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Had my Samsung Tab stolen which was running MS and AT - unrooted.  Got a few location hits the first hour then nothing - i assume they turned it off.  I DID get a chance to mark it as LOST and Wipe it remotely which it confirmed:
My questions:  did wiping the tablet also disable AT?  If not, why did i receive no further communication - it has been a week.  The web panel has the same info as when it was stolen - all is functioning - so i assume there has been no communication between the tablet and the Avast website - and have assumed they were clever enough to remove the program somehow. :-\
I have not received any messages and was at least hoping for a notice of a changed SIM, etc.
Please let me know if this is likely the case and i have lost my tablet for good.... or what are my options...?
« Last Edit: September 21, 2014, 09:00:37 PM by S4 »